Lake Orion High School Senior of the Week: Brady Slattery

Parents: Karen and Patrick Slattery
GPA: 3.808
Favorite subject(s): Math, science and engineering
Extracurricular activities: Robotics, track and cross country
Hobbies/Interests: Running and working out in my free time.
Plans after graduation: Go to college, get a mechanical engineering degree and receive an MBA.
Brady is proudest of: My accomplishments through STEM and what I have learned through robotics to help kick start my future after high school.
Brady makes a contribution by: Volunteering. I have over 200 hours of total volunteer experience at various food banks and STEM outreach events.
Where Brady sees himself in 10-20 years: In 10 years, I see myself with a good job and a house. In 20 years, I see myself running my own business.
What concerns Brady in the world: The lack of opportunity in education and financial security. Sixty-eight percent of the world lives off $10 a day. This lack of opportunity needs to change if we want to solve world issues, because people with more opportunity will be the next generations problem solvers.
Favorite thing about Lake Orion High School: The community and friends I’ve made over the years.
Recommending staff member: Leigh Ann Stone

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