Paese donates to FISH

Paese Chiropractic recently donated $70 in cash and more than $500 in food to Oxford-Orion FISH. The office’s food drive was held from Jan. 26-30. During this week, new patients could come into the office and receive their first day of services for the price of a $10 food or cash donation.
On Jan. 30, existing patients could participate by receiving their adjustment for the same donation. A total of 42 people participated in the drive.
“We really just want to say thanks to everyone who helped us accomplish this,” said Dr. Marco Paese. “Thank you to everybody for your generosity.” Pictured with the food donation and $70 cash donation are Kelly McIntyre of Paese Chiropractic, on the left; Dr. Marco Paese; and FISH Food Pantry Volunteer Mary Boberg.

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