Oxford school bus hit by BB

An Oxford Schools bus driver received a shock when something came flying through one of the vehicle’s windows late Friday afternoon.
Lynda Beaumont was waiting outside of Daniel Axford Elementary around 4 p.m. on Sept. 5 for the rest of her riders to board when she heard a “pop-like noise” come from behind her in the bus. She looked back to find that something had flown through one of the bus windows, creating a small hole and cracking the window.
Mrs. Beaumont contacted Oxford Village Police Officer C. Ascroft, who was patrolling Mechanic St. Upon investigation, the officer found the broken window and what appeared to be a hole “the size of a BB.”
At the time of the incident, between 20 and 30 students were already seated on the bus, and one student did report being hit in the side of the head with something. Whether it was glass or a projectile could not be determined. The youngster did not receive any injuries.
While investigating the scene, Officer Ascroft noticed two male juveniles walking towards the school from Lincoln St. He stopped the youths and asked them what they had seen or heard, but neither claimed to know anything. Both youths returned to a home on Lincoln St.
After further investigation, Ascroft determined that the bus damage was caused by a BB gun and he began to canvass the area for possible sources. He arrived at the home on Lincoln where the two male juveniles had returned, and made contact with the mother of the 15-year-old. The mother stated that her son did own a BB gun, “but he has no BB’s.”
After interviewing the two boys and finding a witness who saw them with a BB gun, the officer spoke again with the 15-year-old Lincoln St. resident. The youth then stated “Okay, I’ll tell you what really happened.” According to the juvenile, he was in an upstairs window with the BB gun, and that he fired it towards Lincoln St. to see if it still worked. The 15-year-old said he saw the BB ricochet and then heard it hit something. The teenager became scared and hid the BB gun.
Officer Ascroft informed the 15-year-old “he was fortunate that no one was injured.” He also confiscated the BB gun and informed the youth’s mother that there may be charges for damaging school property and discharging a firearm towards the school.
School officials are investigating the incident and letters have been released to parents discussing the situation.
According to Police Chief Mike Neymanowski, a report has been forwarded to juvenile probate so a determination can be made on possible charges.

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