Oxford gains 54 new students

Enrollment in Oxford Schools has increased by 54 students this year, which gives the district a total of 4,362 pupils based on preliminary numbers from the state-mandated head count on Sept. 26.
The state requires that school districts count the students in attendance on the fourth Wednesday of September in order to get a preliminary number on how much state funding will be disbursed to each district.
According to Dr. William Skilling, Superintendent of Oxford Schools, the district will receive $7,343 per pupil in state funding, bringing $396,522 in extra revenue into the district.
Original projections for this school year were between 91-96, but Skilling said the drop will not have a great affect on funds.
Last year, the district had a increase of 132 students.
‘The differences between what we were anticipating versus what we had ended up with just means that we’ll have less reserves at the end of the year than we would otherwise,? he said. ‘Financially, we’re still real good.?
The hiring of additional support staff and elimination of the athletic pay-to-play program will not be affected.
Skilling said he’s ‘happy? Oxford is still seeing an incline in enrollment, unlike some school districts that have declined drastically and have lost money.
Districts receive 75 percent of their state revenue based on the count and 25 percent based on a count done on the second Wednesday of the prior February.
Included in the head count were unexcused and excused absent students, which Assistant Superintendent Nancy Kammer.
‘When their absence is excused they have to come back to school within 30 days (from the count),? she said. ‘If they’re unexcused, they have 10 days.?

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