Called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All Members present. (Chris Barnett absent with notice)
Prayer Pastor Rochelle All rose for Pledge of Allegiance.
Treasurer Steele appointed to chair the meeting.
Approved payment of bills in the amount of $2,506,932.17 and payrolls of $538,837.67
Total disbursement of funds of $3,045,769.84.
Approved Agenda, as amended.
Approved Consent Agenda, as amended.
Approved Minutes, Regular Meeting, April 05, 2021, as presented.
Adopted resolution and authorized the purchase of approved larvicide and/or mosquito repellents at a cost not to exceed $5,686.58 and submit for reimbursement from Oakland County Heath Department.
Approved a two-year service agreement, with option for one-year renewal with Recollect Systems, Inc.
Approved budget adjustment for Brown/Baldwin/Joslyn/Great Lakes Crossing Traffic Study. Directed the Accounting Controller to make the necessary budget adjustments, adding $77,276.10 to account 101-000-674.000 and $30,000.00 to account 101-248-806.000.
Approved allowable cost on Sponsored (Grants) Agreement Policy and authorized Township Supervisor to execute same.
Approved proposal from OHM, not to exceed the amount of $169,500.00 for sanitary sewer metering and analysis.
Authorized purchase of a server upgrade as quoted by I.T Right in an amount not to exceed $13,875.85.
Authorized Fire Chief to purchase the King Vision A-blade video Laryngoscopes and accessories with an amount not to exceed $8,865.95.
Authorized Fire Department to sign agreement with Waterway of Michigan for annual hose and ladder testing in the amount of $8,802.85.
Appointed Michele Arquette-Palmero as a voting member of the Environmental Resources Committee with a term expiring 12/31/2023, and post the resulting vacancy of an alternate member.
Authorized sale of used equipment via sealed bid at the annual community garage sale.
Awarded bid for technology for new campus to Allcomm, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $750,000.00, and authorized Township Supervisor to execute same.
Approved two-year Baldwin Rd streetscape maintenance contract with Superior Scape, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $167,449.00 with the contact beginning April 2021 and ending April 2023.
Adopted resolution to declare State of Emergency within Orion Township and authorized all Township Boards, Committees, and Subcommittees to meet remotely through December 31, 2021, and authorized Clerk to submit same to the Emergency Management Division of the State of Michigan Police in accordance with MCL 30.410(b).
Accepted resignation of Park Programmer, Daniel Dobrosielski, with regret effective June 2, 2021.
Approved Master Service Agreement (MSA#041421OCT) for prescribed technology goods and services between the Charter Township of Orion and Allcomm Inc., subject to any modifications recommended by the Township Attorney and approved by the Township Supervisor, and authorized the Township Supervisor to execute same.
Authorized budget adjustment to finish safety path of approximately 60’ in front of 105 E. Silverbell at a cost not to exceed $10,000.00 and authorized OHM and Silver Spruce developer to complete this connection of safety path along Silverbell Rd from project to existing path.
Approved second reading of amendments to the Orion Township Water & Sewer Ordinance (Ord No 68) and authorized the Township Clerk to certify and file same.
Adopted amended resolution for COVID response for sports, and authorized the Township Clerk to certify and file same.
Denied peddler application for TruGreen and authorized Clerk to notify.
Received and filed Police and Fire reports, as presented.
Received and filed Parks & Recreation report, as presented.
Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Penny Shults, Clerk
Publish: 04/28/2021 Chris Barnett, Supervisor
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