Pertaining to the article “Audit earns and ‘A’ rating” found in your May 18th issue, I offer the following additional information for the benefit of our residents.
The ‘weakness’ described in the article was not a departure from procedure followed at the township for many years.
It was simple a discovery that there were no formal procedures in place and an opportunity for improvement exists.
There was no breach in responsibilities by the Treasury staff as part of this weakness. In fact, all suggested measures for improvement and recommended steps for greater security came from the Treasurer’s Office Staff exclusively, and have been endorsed by our consultants.
Eliminating any areas of risk is a big part of what your Treasury does whether it be in our systems, investments or in detecting counterfeit currency.
We look forward to ongoing refinement of our systems and increased security as changing times require.
Mark C. Thurber
Orion Township Treasurer
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