Orco rezoning denied

Applause and a standing ovation greeted the Independence Township Board of Trustee’s July 5 decision to deny the first reading of Orco Investments? rezoning request for 70 acres of land located on the northwest corner of Sashabaw and Waldon roads near the I-75 interchange.
The denial was the latest in over a year’s worth of presentations and discussions on the matter.
Orco’s rezoning proposal asked to change almost 70 acres from single family residential (R1-A) to approximately 18 acres of planned shopping center (C2) and 50 acres of highway commercial (C3).
‘The next step is going to the ZBA (Zoning Board of Appeals) and then we will review our options,? said Orco representative Robert Jacobs, Esq. after the meeting.
When asked whether or not court action is an option, Jacobs responded, ‘It’s a distinct possibility. We will review our legal rights.?
During the agenda item, the board listened to a brief presentation on the rezoning request from Jacobs who emphasized ‘this is the best use of the property.? Rod Arroyo, vice president with Birchler Arroyo Associates, Inc. also spoke on behalf of Orco.
‘We believe that the planning analysis shows the current zoning is not appropriate,? concluded Jacobs. ‘There is a demand, there is a need for commercially zoned property in the township. There are no sites within the township that can accommodate large commercial uses?
‘The township’s own unilateral zoning initiative is being enacted solely as a defense to the current proposal before you.?
In addition to Orco Investments representatives, trustees also heard from Township Attorney Jerry Fisher, Township Planner Dick Carlisle and public comment.
Board discussion on the matter was brief. Treasurer Jim Wenger remarked on the fact all comments regarding the proposal have been consistent.
‘It feels that Orco is saying our vision is no longer 20/20, it needs correction,? said Wenger. ‘And I hope that is not true. I feel our vision is still just as clear.?
The board voted unanimous to deny the first reading. Trustee Dan Travis was absent.

In a related discussion, the board approved unanimously to accept the first reading for the township initiated rezoning of the same parcel.
The township’s rezoning proposal would change the approximately 70 acres of single family residential (R1-A) to local commercial, planned shopping center, office service one, office service two and multiple family (C-1, C-2, OS-1, OS-2 and R-2). According to Carlisle, the new zoning provides a transition from the residential housing already established in the area to the commercial zoning along the Sashabaw Corridor.
The only public comment on the issue came from Orco representative Robert Jacobs, Esq.
‘This is the most preposterous use of this property? This is not where you will find a full service restaurant or doctor’s office,? said Jacobs. ‘It is clearly, clearly only a defense to our proposal.?
The township’s zoning initiative will come again before the board for a second reading. The Independence Township Board of Trustees meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the township library on Clarkston Road.

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