OHS student found with possible marijuana and stolen school items

A 15-year-old Oxford High School student was found to be in possession of one tobacco cigar, a substance resembling marijuana and two pieces of stolen school property after being caught smoking by a teacher.
According to the Oakland County Sheriff’s report, the situation began when high school football coach Bud Rowley spotted four youths smoking on school property around 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday. The students were brought before administrators and searched for contraband items.
Three of the students had no tobacco products on them at the time, but the fourth had a cigar and, hidden in his shoe, a small baggy of suspected marijuana. After finding the contraband items, school administrators searched the youth’s locker and found two items belonging to the school: one prep radio valued at $500 and one set of silver tongs valued at $20.
The report states that the student informed school officials that “he was holding the prep radio in his locker for a friend and that he was given the marijuana today as a gift.”
An Oakland County Sheriff’s Deputy was contacted, but was unable to speak with the 15-year-old at the time of the offense because the youth had fled the school. The student’s parents were contacted, and a juvenile petition is being forwarded to Oakland County Probate court for review.

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