OHS grad to teach business skills in Africa

When Erica Baker decided to join the Peace Corps, it wasn’t because of some epiphany she had during the night.
She was actually reading a funny article that spoofed the program on a website and decided to find out more about it.
‘The more that I read, the more it affirmed that it was something I really wanted to do as far as devoting my time for something bigger than just myself,? said the 1998 Oxford graduate.
Yesterday morning, Baker hopped on an airplane to Burkina Faso, Africa, which is on the west side of the continent, to become a small enterprise development volunteer.
The 26-year-old will work with entrepreneurs and cooperatives to provide business training, help to create market linkages, help with product development, teach basic finance and accounting, develop management skills and assist in the enhancement of business skills with a local business in the third-world country.
Although she doesn’t know exactly what kind of business she will be working with, Baker said it could be anything from soap making to a textile company.
‘It’s definitely going to be on a smaller, (more) simplistic scale than what we consider a business in America,? she said.
Baker graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in marketing in 2002 and has worked in advertising as an account executive in Los Angeles for the last four years.
While at MSU, Baker studied abroad in Rouen, France and traveled extensively throughout Western Europe.
Before she left for her trip, Baker attended an orientation in Philadelphia, which covered health, safety, culture and language training about the African country.
‘I’m equally excited as I am terrified,? she said. ‘Moving away from all the people you love and trying to adjust to another culture will be hard.?
Baker’s entire stint will last 27 months.
The first three months will be spent with a host family in Burkina Faso to become fully immersed in the country’s language and culture.
After that, she will spend two years in a village by herself, and living at the same level as the local community.
‘There will definitely be no running water and there’s a high probability that we won’t have electricity either,? she said.
Currently, there are 102 volunteers serving in Burkina Faso. Since the program’s start in 1966 over 1,280 have served there.
Following an eight-year absence, Peace Corps volunteers returned to the nation in 1995.
Once Baker returns to California in 27 months, she said she will most likely work towards getting her graduate degree in international marketing or international business.
‘I’m open to anything because I think it’s going to be a life changing experience,? she said.
Baker is the daughter of Bob and Diana Baker and Bruce and Robin Turner, all of Oxford.

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