Noise ordinance angers Addison residents

About 100 residents of Addison Township filled the board room at the Feb. 19 meeting for the chance to state their concerns about a proposed amendment to the township’s noise ordinance.
The need for the amendment came after about 15 residents approached the board after a resident near Mack and Townsend roads created a motorcross dirt track on his property, causing an nuisance to area neighbors.
The amendment would prohibit the ‘operation of any kind of race track, proving ground, testing area or obstacle/racing course for motorcycles, dirt bikes, snowmobiles, motor vehicles, boats, racers, automobiles or motor vehicles of any kind on any property in the township not specifically zoned or approved for such uses…If zoned or approved for any location in the township, such operations shall comply with the zoning ordinances…?
It would also exclude all areas zoned agricultural ‘to the extent noise is from machinery or motors strictly related to agricultural functions.?
Although the residents who proposed the amendment said in a Feb. 7 issue of The Oxford Leader that they based their specific incident on a township-wide need, many showed up to the meeting to state the exact opposite.
Mike Fritts, who said he uses ‘about everything? motorized that is listed in the amendment, said the board is only using the one incident to ‘punish? the rest of the township residents.
‘There’s always going to be that one bad apple,? he said.
Anthony Holman said he lives across the street from people who use a dirt race track and said the motorcycles were no louder than kids swimming in a pool next door.
‘There should be other ways to resolve this (than) to just get rid of all tracks and racing,? he said.
Another resident, David Thompson, made it clear to the board that he doesn’t feel the board has the ‘authority to pass a noise ordinance like this? and that the precedent it would set would be a problem in the future.
‘Our rights are given to us by God, not government,? he said. ‘This ordinance amendment is overkill. It’s going to do a lot of damage.?
‘Next thing you know, people are going to be complaining about gunshots next door,? he said. ‘Guess what? It’s only going to be a matter of time before people say ‘that’s annoying.??
Nobody in the audience who was for the proposed amendment gave their opinion, and the board wasn’t allowed to speak during the public hearing portion.
The board will take into consideration the public’s concerns when deliberating over whether or not to pass the amendment.

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