No raises for Addison officials

Instead of Addison Township residents voting on whether or not elected officials deserve a pay raise at their annual meeting next month, the board decided at its Feb. 19 meeting to forget the whole idea.
Clerk Pauline Bennett made a motion to show no increase in elected officials salary, but still let the public vote on it at their annual meeting. Her motion failed 4-2. (Trustee Christine Sypitkowski was absent from the meeting).
Trustee John Sutphin said ‘if things were different in the economy? he would support getting a pay raise.
‘But I can’t (now) in good conscious,? he said.
Addison Township officials and employees haven’t had a raise since April 2005.
Because no motion regarding pay raises for elected officials ? either for or against ? was approved by the board, the public attending the March 31 annual meeting will not have an opportunity to vote on the issue nor will it be discussed.
Officials proposed at a Feb. 3 special meeting to include a 3.5 percent raise for all elected officials in their 2007-08 budget, however, the board seemed to be divided about if they should even get raises.
The raise would’ve increased the township treasurer, clerk and supervisor’s pay $1,101 more per year, bringing their salaries to $32,559 (not including benefits).
Trustees pay also would have gotten bumped up from $100 to $110 for regular board meetings, from $50 to $60 for special meetings and earned an extra $25 for special meetings on the same night as regular meetings.
As a result of the board’s Feb. 19 action, none of the seven township board members will receive a pay raise for the 2007-08 fiscal year.
As for the township employees getting a 3.5 percent raise, the board voted unanimously to table the issue until after their budget meeting.
Bennett suggested possibly decreasing the amount of the raise, but wants to look more closely at the budget before deciding.

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