News Briefs

Appraiser approved
Council voted 5-1 to approve the $2,750 proposal from the Birmingham-based Holmes & Layton, Inc. to conduct an appraisal of the old township offices at 18 W. Burdick Street along with the parking lot that goes with it.
The village manager was directed to sign the appraisal contract subject to final review by the village attorney and inspection by the village building inspector.

Enviro consultant stays
Council voted unanimously to approve an environmental services contract with consultant William T. Carlson for three years at $54,000 per year.
Carlson’s current three-year contract with the village expires Dec. 31.
DPW Superintendent Don Brantley spoke highly of Carlson, who’s based in Colorado, and his experiences dealing with his firm. After reviewing the other three proposals to provide environmental services and consulting, Brantley expressed concern over possible hidden fees.
Carlson’s new $162,000 contract, which represents no increases over the old one, includes everything, even lab work.

Parks & Rec. gets new lease
Council unanimously approved a five-year, $1,000 per month lease agreement with the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department for the 2,500-square-foot space at 20 W. Burdick Street (known as the old library).
Under the existing lease, which expires Jan. 1, 2007, park and rec. paid $400 a month plus utilities and maintenance. With everything included, the total cost worked out to an average of nearly $1,000 per month.
Parks Director Ron Davis informed council of his desire to have all costs included in one monthly fee.

Hot Blues shares the wealth
Crossroads for Youth and the Detroit Blues Society will each receive a $500 donation from the village.
Council voted unanimously to contribute $1,000 of the $3,800 in net profits generated by this year’s Hot Blues & BBQ festival to these organizations.

Liquor license recommended
A license to sell packaged liquor (distilled spirits) at Art & Dick’s Party Store was unanimously recommended for approval by council.
Made by Police Chief Mike Neymanowski, the recommendation will be forwarded to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission, which has the final say.
A license to sell beer and wine is already in use at the party store located at 81 W. Burdick Street.

50/50 trail formula OKed
A proposed change in the funding formula for the Polly Ann Trail Management Council was unanimously approved by council.
Under the new formula, each community’s contribution would be based on a 50/50 split between its population and the total number of trail miles within its boundaries.
If approved by all the trail members, Oxford Village would pay a total of $2,576 or $3,414 (depending on whether Addison’s in or out) to help support the trail council’s proposed 2006-07 budget of $42,650.

Well house bid awarded
Peerless-Midwest was awarded a $174,024 bid to build a well house and install a pump inside it for the village water system’s fifth well drilled by the same company earlier this year. Council last week voted 3-2 to approve the Indiana-based company’s proposal based on village Manager Joe Young’s recommendation.
‘Peerless-Midwest has provided past well houses for the village and is more than familiar with the village’s water pumping system,? Young wrote in a memo to council.
The Oxford-based Valley Building and Repair will be used by Peerless-Midwest to construct the 384-square-foot well house out of decorative concrete block at a cost of $43,010 (included in the bid price).

Donkey electrocuted on Hosner Rd.
The Addison Twp. Fire Department was called to a home at 3045 N. Hosner Rd. Friday for electric wires down.
According to Fire Chief George Spencer, a primary electric wire containing 4,400 volts ‘just broke? and fell onto a metal chorale, which ‘energized? and killed a donkey that was standing too close. ‘Unfortunately, there was nothing we could do to resusitate him,? the chief said.
Fortunately, no other animals or people were injured during the incident.
‘The real danger there, besides the threat to life, is setting any of the barns, or other buildings, on fire,? he said.
? Staff Writer Casey Curtis.

Town hall meeting on cityhood April 19
Got questions about what cityhood means for the Village of Oxford?
The village’s cityhood committee is hosting a ‘town hall meeting? at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 19 in the Community Room (22 W. Burdick St.)
Two representatives from the Michigan Municipal League will be on hand to answer any questions regarding cityhood and pass out printed materials pertaining to the subject.
Also present will be cityhood attorney Thomas Ryan and members of the cityhood commitee.
‘We’re just going to try and answer to the best of our knowledge any questions people might have,? said Committee Member Rose Bejma. ‘Or if we can’t answer them at that point, get the answer for them.?
The state Boundary Commission will conduct a public hearing regarding the village’s bid to become a city on Thursday, May 3 at 4 p.m. in the Oxford Middle School Commons Area. ? Editor C.J Carnacchio

Village seeks new clerk, treasurer
With Christine Burns serving her last day as clerk, treasurer and assistant manager April 17, Oxford Village is looking for a new employee or two.
The village has 19 applicants for the clerk and treasurer positions, according to Manager Joe Young.
Council has not decided whether to continue having one person be the clerk/treasurer or hire two people to do the jobs as was done in the past.
Young said he’s proposing seven applicants be interviewed at the April 24 council meeting.
Council last week voted 5-0 to hire retired Clerk Rose Bejma to help out in the office on a part-time basis during this transition for an amount not to exceed $4,200.
It was suggested Bejma be made acting clerk. Council is expected to review and possibly act on that proposal next week, according to Young.

Memorial Day in Oxford, Addison

Oxford’s Memorial Day observance will take place Monday, May 28 in downtown Oxford’s Centennial Park beginning at 10 a.m.
Speeches, prayers, patriotic music by the Oxford High School Marching Band, a roll call ceremony to honor Oxford’s dead and the laying of wreathes at the various war memorials will all take place inside the park.
Oakland County Commissioner Brad Jacobsen (R-Oxford) will deliver the main address from the gazebo. He’s been a member of the Sons of the American Legion Squadron 108 for at least 15 years.
Following the ceremonies, a parade will march north on Washington Street to Burdick Street, where it will turn and head west to the township cemetery on the north side of the road.
Once assembled in the cemetery, another wreath will be laid, Taps will be played and an Honor Guard from American Legion Post 108 will fire a 21-gun salute to our community’s fallen heroes.
Post 108, located on E. Drahner, will host a luncheon for veterans and their families beginning around 1 p.m.
In Addison, the Lakeville Cemetery Auxiliary will conduct a Memorial Day observance Saturday, May 26 at the Lakeville Cemetery, located on East Drahner Rd.
They will gather at 11:30 a.m. and the service will be at 12:00. Pot luck lunch to follow service. Everyone is welcome to attend to pay tribute to our veterans. ? C.J. Carnacchio

Addison Briefs

n The Addison Township Board Monday night voted to increase the milage on roads to be re-graveled from 6 miles to 8.56 miles. The township would foot the bill for $14,500, while Tri-Party funds totaling $29,000 would pay for the rest of the graveling.
Roads that were recommended by the Road Commission of Oakland County were Leonard Rd. (from the village limits to Secord Lake), Noble Rd. (from Hosner to Lake George), Drahner Rd. (from Hosner to Lake George), Hosner Rd. (from Drahner to Ray), Haven Rd. (from the township line south one mile) and Haggerman Rd. (from Frick to Leonard).
n David Roenicke, Assessor for Addison Township, will be doing field work in sections 07, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 32 and 36 May through August. These are designated areas for re-appraisal for the 2008 tax year. New construction will commence in the fall. Anyone with questions can call the township offices at (248) 628-6020.
n The board of trustees unanimously approved designating $200 from their community projects fund to have the Leonard Garden Club ‘create an aesthetically pleasing entrance? to the township building.
-Compiled by Casey Curtis.

Public hearing
Ortonville- The village planning commission wil hold a public hearing at 7 p.m., Feb. 19 in the Old Town Hall, 486 Mill St., to receive public comment on proposed changes to the sign portion of the village zoning ordinance.
Information regarding the proposed changes can be obtained at the village offices at 476 Mill St., or by calling (248) 627-4976.

Mother-son dance
Brandon Twp.- The mother-son dance is set for 6 to 8 p.m., Feb. 4 at the high school cafeteria, 1025 S. Ortonville Road.

Daddy-daughter dance
Goodrich- The Daddy-daughter dance is planned for 6:30-8:30 p.m., Feb. 23, at Oaktree Elementary School cafeteria, 7500 S. Gale Road. The night will include a photo keepsake and dancing. Details: (810) 636-4321.

Youth baseball
To register boys and girls T-Ball (ages 5-7), girls coach pitch (ages 8-10), boys coach pitch, (ages 8-9), jr. girls (ages 11-14) and pony boys (ages 10-12) contact Goodrich Recreation (810) 591-5201.

Kindergarten registration for children in the Goodrich School District who will be 5-years-old on or before Dec. 1 will take place at Reid Elementary School, 7501 Seneca St., from April 14-18, 2008. Details:(810) 591-3455.

Blood drive
From noon to 5:45 p.m., Feb. 12, St. Mark Church, 7296 Gale Road, Goodrich, will sponsor an American Red Cross blood drive. Homemade soup and bread will be served. Details: (810) 299-1840.

On Tuesday, Feb. 15, Judges Julie Nicholson, Lisa Asadoorian, and Nancy Carniak of the 52-3 District Court will discuss teen drinking, house parties, illegal and prescription drug use and the consequences and effects on kids and communities. Parents and teens both are encouraged to attend the event, which takes place at the 52-3 courthouse, 700 Barclay Circle in Rochester from 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.
RSVP not required, but appreciated by Feb. 11 for planning purposes. RSVP to or, or call 248-520-3786 or 248-765-4655.

From dogsleds and dancing dads skating, sledding and school events, we’ve added dozens of new full-color, high quality photos from events past and present to The Big Blue Button on our website, and we’ll continue to do so as we capture the faces, places and moments that make Lake Orion what it is. View and purchase phots from the Big Blue Button at

Memorial Day
The Citizen newspaper office will be closed May 25 in observance of Memorial Day. We will reopen May 26 at 9 a.m.. 248-627-4332

Doggie doo
Ortonville- Don’t let the village go to the dogs.
Village officials are encouraging pet owners to clean up their animal’s feces when walking them, and also remind residents there is an ordinance that prohibits loose dogs.
‘It is springtime and people are out walking their dogs and letting them out more,? noted Village Manager Ed Coy. ‘We do have an ordinance against dogs running free and we also encourage people to clean up after their dogs, especially if it’s on public property, in the park, or on the sidewalks so other people can enjoy those things.?

Coffee hour
The Citizen will host a social hour with coffee and sweet treats the last Friday of each month at our office, 12 South St. , Ortonville. The next social hour is May 29. Details: 249-627-4332

From 9 a.m.-3 p.m., May 16 and 10 a.m.-2 p.m., May 17, the Goodrich basketball program is hosting a community garage sale at the Goodrich High School gymnasium. Items may be dropped off at the pole barn near the tennis courts of the high school from 4-7 p.m., April 26 and from 4-7 p.m., May 3. Details: Stacey Barns 313-585-8674 or Patty Shiflett 810-516-5565.

Meetings May 18
Atlas Township Board of Trustees 7 p.m.
Brandon Township Board of Trustees, 7:30 p.m.
Brandon School District Board of Trustees, special meeting, 6:30 p.m.

Food drive
The Ortonville Post office reported an outstanding collection of food items for the Ortonville Community Emergency Fund following the National Association of Letter Carriers May 9 food drive. The donations were placed out by the mailbox, which carriers picked up for distribution.

Clerk resignation
Ortonville- Village Clerk Julie Alexander has resigned.
Alexander, part-time clerk for the village since January 2008, turned in her resignation letter May 11. She is moving on to work in real estate.
‘She will be missed and was a valuable asset to the village,? said Village Manager Ed Coy, who added that the village would post an opening for a part-time position within the next week.

Internet safety
From 6:30-7:30 p.m., May 21, The Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance will host an internet safety program for adults at the Brandon Middle School Cafeteria. The program will be presented by Oakland County Sheriff Detective Jerry DeRosia. Details: 248-627-6445.

Rep. Scott in Goodrich
On May 18, State Rep. Paul Scott (51st) at Cranberries Cafe, 10250 Hegel Road, Goodrich. Details: 1-866-989-5151, or e-mail at

Goodrich Schools of Choice
The Goodrich Area Schools will accept 22 applications from out-of-county students grades K-12, beginning May 4. Applications are available at the Office of the Superintendent at 8029 South Gale Road, Goodrich or on-line at The application deadline is 4 p.m., May 29. Should there be more applicants than openings, a lottery will be conducted on June 15 and parents will receive notification of acceptance by June 26.
Goodrich Area Schools Board of Education voted on March 23 once again to enroll Schools of Choice students from contiguous intermediate school districts. This constitutes any county that touches the Genesee Intermediate School District (Livingston, Shiawassee, Saginaw, Tuscola, Lapeer and Oakland Counties). Questions can be directed to Joy Moll at 810-591-2201.

The Goodrich School Board is expected to hire John Fazer as the new district superintendent at 6 p.m. Monday night at a special board meeting.
Fazer, the current superintendent at Holton Public Schools was selected over Mark Kleinhans, the current superintendent at the Montrose School District, to replace Goodrich Superintendent Larry Allen, whose contract ends June 30.

Coffee hour
The Citizen will host a social hour with coffee and sweet treats the last Friday of each month at our office, 12 South St. Ortonville. The next social hour is May 29. 248-4332

Friends to host Chair-I-Tea event
The Friends of the Addison Township Public Library invite you to a Chair-I-Tea event where they’ll auction beautiful wood, upholstered, or whimsically decorated chairs during this tea, which includes scones, tea sandwiches, cookies, iced or hot tea.
All proceeds will go to the New Library Building Fund. Please join us for this fun-filled high tea at beautiful Echo Grove Salvation Army Camp in Lakeville on Saturday, May 2 at 2 p.m.
Tickets are $10 and available by calling 248-628-7796 or 248-628-4811. Deadline for tickets is April 23 so act fast.

Garden Club to meet April 20
The Oxford Garden Club will meet 11 a.m. Monday, April 20 at the Oxford Public Library. This meeting will be a pot luck luncheon, so bring a dish to pass and your own table service. Rob Giddings and Bobbie Butara from Preservation Tree Care will speak on trees and flowering shrubs. New members are welcome. For more information call Brenda at (248) 628-3288.

Spaghetti dinner for cemetery auxiliary
The Lakeville Cemetery Auxiliary is sponsoring a spaghetti dinner Thursday, April 16 at 1447 Milmine Street in Lakeville, at 5 p.m. and at 6 p.m.
Adults? tickets are $7 each with youth 4-12 $3.50 each and three and under are free. Proceeds go to the beautification of our cemetery. For more information call 248-628-3086 or 248-628-1828.

CORRECTION: In last week’s article about OHS Basketball Coach Steve Laidlaw’s termination his overall record should have been listed as 43-59. Also, Coach Walt Studinger taught in Oxford for 32 years and coached for 35 years.

Community Good Friday service
A ‘Community Good Friday Worship Service,? hosted by the Oxford-Orion Ministers Association, is scheduled for April 10 at King of Kings Lutheran Church (1715 S. Lapeer Rd.) in Orion.
Slated to begin at 12:15 p.m. and last for one hour or less, the worship service will be led by clergy from Lake Orion and Oxford area churches.
The service will be based on the ‘Seven Last Words? of Christ on the cross. It will be complemented by music, prayers, movie segments and other projected visuals. The public is invited to attend. For more information call (248) 693-1676.

Easter services at Oxford UMC
The Oxford United Methodist Church has released its Easter schedule:
Maunday Thursday Service of Tenebrae on April 9 at 7 p.m.
Good Friday Service, April 10 at noon at Lake Orion’s King of Kings Lutheran Church.
Easter Service, April 12; 7 a.m. ‘Sunrise? Service; 8:15 a.m. Hot Easter Breakfast; 9 a.m. Arise & Sing Worship; 10 a.m. Fellowship Hour; 11 a.m. Classic Worship.

Garden Club to meet April 20
The Oxford Garden Club will meet 11 a.m. Monday, April 20 at the Oxford Public Library. This meeting will be a pot luck luncheon, so bring a dish to pass and your own table service.
Rob Giddings and Bobbie Butara from Preservation Tree Care will speak on trees and flowering shrubs.
New members are welcome. For more information call Brenda at (248) 628-3288

Spaghetti dinner for cemetery auxiliary
The Lakeville Cemetery Auxiliary is sponsoring a spaghetti dinner Thursday, April 16 at 1447 Milmine Street in Lakeville, at 5 p.m. and at 6 p.m.
Adults? tickets are $7 each with youth 4-12 $3.50 each and three and under are free. Proceeds go to the beautification of our cemetery. For more information call 248-628-3086 or 248-628-1828.

Church hosts play about Jesus
‘A Picture of Calvary,? a musical drama designed to address who Jesus Christ is and why He had to die will be shown at the First Baptist Church of Oxford (150 Pontiac) on Sunday, April 12 at 10:30 a.m.
Admission is free.

Blank space required by USPO
Some of our readers have been wondering what’s up with the blank space now prominently featured in the lower lefthand corner of our front page.
No, it’s not a mistake on our part or the mystery square in some new contest.
It’s a new government regulation.
The United States Post Office is requiring our newspapers, which are distributed via the mail, to leave a blank space for its labeling purposes.

Trailer fire victim identified
The Oakland County Sheriff’s Department released the name of the man killed during a mobile home fire March 19.
David George Williams, Jr., 42, died of smoke inhalation during a fire at his 303 Winding Brook home in Addison Township’s Hidden Lake Estates.
Based on the damage, OCSD fire investigators have been unable to pinpoint the exact cause of the blaze, but they do believe it was accidental in nature and started in the bedroom. ? CJC

Relay for Life spaghetti dinner
The Oxford United Methodist Church Faithful Kickers are hosting a baked spaghetti dinner fund-raiser from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 3.
Dinner costs $7 per person or $20 per family with children under 12. Tickets will be available at the door. During dinner, the Sharron Patterson and Friends Jazz Band will provide free entertainment.
This year the OUMC Faithful Kickers are trying to raise $5,000 for the Oxford Relay for Life to be held May 30-31.
As the signature event for the American Cancer Society, the Relay helps raise money for research, education, advocacy and service.
For more information call (248) 628-1289. OUMC is located at 21 E. Burdick St.

Bakery hosts Easter cookie decorating
Downtown Oxford’s Sweet & Savory Bake Shop (9 S. Washington St.) is hosting its annual ‘Cookie Decorating with the Easter Bunny? from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 4. Kids will be able to decorate (and eat) colorful Easter cookies. Parents are welcome to photograph their little ones with the Easter Bunny.
No reservation is required for this event. There’s also no charge, however, parents can, if they wish, make a charitable donation to UNICEF’s Tap Project, which provides clean drinking water to children around the world.

David and Kathleen Potter of Oxford announce their son, Staff Sgt. Michael D. Potter of the 4th BCT, 1st CD, is home from Iraq. He flew in on Feb. 28 for two weeks. Michael will attend the MHSAA Wrestling Finals to support his former teammates from Oxford High School.
The Potters are also the proud parents of Staff Sgt. David A. Potter, who recently redeployed from the Jabaquri Peninsula in Iraq in C-Troop, 1/32 Car, 101st ABN/BCT, 101 ABNC Air Assault.

Sewing for soldiers
A Sewing for Soldiers event will take place Saturday, March 14 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Independence Village of Waterstone in Oxford.
Sewers will make a quilt to give to wounded soldiers to express gratitude for their military service.
For more information, please contact Carole Carroll at 248-628-0979 or e-mail her at

Oxford Relay for Life kick-off event
The American Cancer Society will hold its Relay For Life of Oxford 2009 Kick-Off Celebration Tuesday, March 10 at the Oxford United Methodist Church (21 East Burdick Steet).
Registration’s at 6:30 p.m. followed by the program from 7-8 p.m.
The event celebrates cancer survivors, remembers those who lost their fights to cancer and offers information on how to fight back against cancer.
For more information or to RSVP, contact Erin Semmens at 248-663-3448 or by e-mailing
Those with an interest in participating or donating are also invited to visit

Women’s Club offering scholarships
The Oxford Women’s Club is offering scholarships to graduating seniors living within the Oxford School District.
Oxford High School students who are interested in applying for a scholarship should contact Ms. Perrin in the Guidance Office. Crossroads for Youth Students should contact Ms. Mott. All other students, please contact Cookie Devine at 248-628-1845 to have an application mailed to your home address.
Applications are due March 27.

Indoor garage sale looking for donations
An indoor garage sale will be held Saturday, March 7 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Oxford Elementary School on 109 Pontiac Street. Sales from the gently-used items will benefit Project Graduation 2009.
Organizers are looking for donations of items in good, clean condition and in working order.
All donations are tax deductible.
They can be dropped off at OES on Friday, March 6 from 4-8 p.m.
For more information, call Robin Pike at 248-628-6274.

Where to vote in the Feb. 24 bond election
During the Tuesday, Feb. 24 school bond election the polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
In Oxford, voters can cast a ballot at the Oxford Veterans Memorial Civic Center (Precinct 1), Oxford Elementary (Precincts 2 & 7), Oxford Free Methodist (Precincts 3), Christ the King (Precincts 4 & 5) and the Oxford Public Library (Precinct 6).
In Addison, vote at Rowland Hall in Leonard (Precinct 1), Addison Township offices in Lakeville (Precinct 2) and Fire Station #1 in Leonard (Precinct 3).
Voters will be required to show a current photo ID at the polls. Those without one must sign an affidavit stating they are who they say they are.

Hot Blues will be two days, free
Hot Blues and BBQ, the popular Oxford Village blues festival, just got better.
This year not only will the summer festival be spread over two days, it also won’t cost attendees a penny to see the show either day. ‘This year, because of the economy, it’s free,? said event coordinator Steve Allen.
The festival will begin Friday, June 19 with three bands performing from 7-10 p.m. in downtown’s Centennial Park.
The music will continue on Saturday, June 20 from noon to midnight in Scripter Park on S. Glaspie St.

Library Friends need chairs
Calling all creative and artistic people!
The Friends of the Addison Township Public Library will host a Chair-i-Tea on Saturday, May 2. This High Tea is a fundraising event featuring ‘chair art.?
The Friends need donations of chairs for the auction–these chairs may be fine wooden pieces or painted and/or decorated chairs. This could be a tax deductible donation, as the Friends is a 501(c)3 organization.
If you are intersted in donating a work of ‘chair art?, or purchasing tickets at $10 per person, call Lynn at 248-628-7796 or Linda at 248-628-4811.

Parents invited to preschool preview
Oxford Area Mothers and More will hold a Preschool Preview, allowing area parents to check out the many different preschools in Oxford and Lake Orion, on Sunday, Feb. 22 at the Oxford Public Library from 1:30-4:30 p.m. For more information, contact Colleen Burdua at 248-628-5360 or or visit

Apply now for Boys and Girls states
Oxford High School juniors interested in learning about the inner workings of government or pursuing a career in law enforcement can pick up applications in the counseling office.
Candidates for this year’s Boys State will be attending Northwood University campus, while Girls State will be attending Michigan State University campus. Both take place in June.
Applications can be picked up from OHS counselor Beth Worton.
Sponsored by the Oxford American Legion Post 108 and Auxiliary Unit 108, both programs afford young people an excellent opportunity to learn how local, county and state governments work by participating in every facet of the democratic process from elections to public policy.
The Youth Career Law Enforcement Program (formerly known as Student Trooper) is also sponsored by the Legion and held at the Michigan State Police Training Academy in July. Geared toward students interested in a police career, the program involves intense physical and educational training. Applications are also available through Worton.
OHS juniors interested in any of the above programs can call Chairperson Helen L. Smith at 628-2255 for more information.

Museum to reopen in March
During the month of February, Oxford’s Northeast Oakland Historical Museum will be closed. It will reopen March 7 to feature vintage ‘view finders.? April and May will feature ‘Women Through the Ages.?
Museum hours will be Saturdays from 1-4 p.m. For more information or to schedule a private tour, call 628-8413. Admission is free, however, donations are accepted.

Addison meeting minutes now on-line
Looking for a previous motion, resolution or board member’s comment?
Addison Township’s meeting minutes from 2004-08 are now on-line at Five years worth of meeting minutes from the township board, planning commission and ZBA are available with the click of a mouse.
Minutes for this year’s meetings will be posted each month after they’re approved by officials.
Meeting minutes dating all the way back to 1954 are available at the township offices on microfilm and CD-ROM.

Blood drive Feb. 6
Give the gift of life at the Oxford American Legion Post 108’s Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday, Feb. 6. The event will run from 2-8 p.m. Pre-registration is appreciated. For appointments or to register call 628-1051.

Spaghetti dinner for Project Graduation
Oxford High School Project Graduation 2009 is hosting a spaghetti dinner and silent auction winterfest Friday, Jan. 30, 2009 from 5-8 p.m. at the OHS Cafeteria.
Cost is $5 per person or $20 per family. Silent auction items include quilts, flags, spirit wear, signed team items, gift certificates, kids stuff, Adirondack chair and more. New this year will be bidding on OHS’s finest students and staff for babysitting, yard work, tutoring and computer work. All proceeds to benefit the Senior All-Night Party.

American Legion hosting blood drive
Give the gift of life at the Oxford Post #108 American Legion’s Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday, Feb. 6. The event will run from 2-8 p.m. Pre-registration is appreciated. For appointments or to register call 248-628-1051.

Now accepting Kalloway’s cards
It’s official. The Lakeville Inn Restaurant in Addison Twp. is now accepting Kalloway’s Restaurant & Pub gift cards sold in 2008.
Located at the intersection of Rochester and Lakeville roads, the eatery will honor 100 percent of each gift card’s unused or remaining balance toward any food or beverage purchase.
For more information about the Lakeville Inn (1318 Rochester Rd.) call (248) 628-4460 or visit the eatery on-line at

Pet feeding class at Oxford library
Veterinarian Dr. Patrick Glidden of the Lakeville Animal Clinic will present a discussion on ‘Feeding your Pet: Nutrition & Supplements 101? at the Oxford Public Library on Thursday, Jan. 29 at 7 p.m. at the library’s Public Rotary Room. Register online or by calling 248-628-3034.

All-day kindergarten, forensic class OKed
At its Jan. 26 meeting, the Oxford Board of Education voted unanimously to approve the Forensic Science I curriculum at Oxford High School and to have all-day, every day kindergarten with the details to be presented at a later date.
For more details on these items visit and search for stories entitled ‘All-day kindergarten could include foreign languages? (Jan.21) and ‘CSI: Oxford? (Jan. 21).

Scrapping event at Kingsbury school
Kingsbury Country Day School will hold an all-day scrapbooking event on Saturday, Feb. 7, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
The event will feature demonstrations and goodie bags along with lunch, dinner, snacks and beverages.
There also will be raffles, vendors and a masage therapist. Price is $45 if paid before Feb. 1 and $55 after.
For more information, contact Chris Wichers at 248-736-7019.

Green Road Bridge
Atlas Twp.-After closing the Green Road Bridge over Kearsley Creek indefinitely in December due to structural failure, the Genesee County Road Commission reported last week they will considering opening the 70-year-old span for pedestrians. Shirley Kautman-Jones, township supervisor, met with county officials last week.
‘Right now we are looking at three years before funds are available to repair the bridge,? she said. ‘Replacing the bridge with a culvert is not a consideration. Realistically the costs could exceed $400,000 for the fix.?

In love? Tell us
If you have been married for 30 years or more we want to know about it.
For the special Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day edition, The Citizen newspaper is seeking wedding pictures and a statement explaining the best part of your lasting relationship in 30 words or less. Please stop by The Citizen, 12 South St., Ortonville or e-mail your wedding photo to:
The deadline for entries is Feb. 9.

School board election
Goodrich-The deadline to file petitions for the Goodrich Area Schools Board of Education elections is 4 p.m., Feb.10 with the Genesee County clerk/election coordinator’s office, 900 S. Saginaw St., Flint. The election is May 5. There are two seats available, both four-year terms, expiring June 30. Those who wish to be on the ballot can file a petition (with a minimum of six signatures) or pay a $100 fee.
Details: 810-591-2201.

Champion lovers wanted
If you have been married for 30 years or more we want to know about it.
For the special Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day edition The Citizen newspaper is seeking wedding pictures and a statement explaining the best part of your lasting relationship in 30 words or less. Please stop by The Citizen 12 South St. Ortonville or email you wedding photo to: The deadline for entries is Feb. 9.

Blue Star flag
Brandon Township residents with a family member serving in the military are eligible to receive a free Blue Star flag.
Township resident Alice Marsh supplies the service flags, first made popular during World War II, when flags were displayed in front windows. Marsh has given out more than 100 Blue Star flags and has presented three Gold Star flags to families that have lost loved ones in combat.
While the flags are free to military families in the township, those outside the area can get a flag for $5,
Details: 248-627-6162.

Divorce recovery
From 7-9 p.m., each Wednesday beginning Jan 7 through Feb. 11 at St. Anne Chuch, 825 M-15, Ortonville, the Bethany Peer Support Chapter of North Oakland will host a divorce recovery workshop for men and women of all ages and faiths. The workshop offers support in dealing with painful issues of divorce, while promoting recovery and healing. There is no cost to attend. Details:248-627-8662.

Acrylic painting
From 9-11a.m., Jan. 13, artist Steve Wood will teach a class on acrylic painting at the Edna Burton Senior Center, 345 Ball St. The theme of the class will be Lake Michigan Shoreline. Details: 248-627-6678.

Vet to discuss pet nutrition at library
Veterinarian Dr. Patrick Glidden of the Lakeville Animal Clinic will present a discussion on ‘Feeding your Pet: Nutrition & Supplements 101? at the Oxford Public Library on Thursday, Jan. 29 at 7 p.m. Register online or by calling 248-628-3034.

Blood Drive Jan. 12
Immanuel Congregational United Church of Christ is hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive Jan. 12 from 2 to 8 p.m. The church is located in the Village of Oxford at 1 Hovey St., one block west of Starbucks.

Euchre tourney for icers
A euchre tournament fund-raiser to help support the Oxford High School Hockey Club will be held Saturday, Jan. 3 at the Oxford Hills Golf and Country Club (300 E. Drahner Rd.).
Registration is at 6 p.m. Play begins at 7 p.m. The cost is $25 per person, which includes pizza, dessert and prizes. A cash bar will be open. For tickets contact Michelle Hrischuk at (248) 969-0397.

Line Dancing for seniors
Senior citizens looking for a great way to have some fun and get a little exercise should head on over to the Oxford Veterans Memorial Civic Center for line-dancing classes.
The classes are held every Monday from 10 to 11:30 a.m. and Wednesday from 3:30 to 5 p.m. The average class size is about 10.
Those interested should contact Oxford Parks and Rec. at (248) 628-1720.

Village cuts six meetings in 2009
Oxford residents hoping for less government in the New Year will be pleased to learn the village council cut six meetings from its monthly schedule.
Normally, council regularly meets twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.
But next year, council will meet only once in April, June, July, August, November and December.
Councilman Tony Albensi proposed cutting village meetings back to once a month for the entire year, but his idea found no support among his fellow officials.
As a compromise, council voted to eliminate the second meeting during the summer months, when people typically take vacations, and around holidays like Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Dispatch center gets new radio tower
On Tuesday, work began on the foundation for a new 100-foot radio tower next to the Oxford Village Police station on W. Burdick St. The tower is used for dispatching local police and fire calls.
The old tower was damaged by high winds during a severe storm in June. The village’s insurance carrier paid all but $250 of the $37,545 to replace it.
Great Lakes Tower and Antenna Co., based in Flat Rock, was selected by council to do the work.

Act now & own Jack LeRoy’s old truck
Interested in impressing the ladies by driving retired Oxford Fire Chief Jack LeRoy’d old command vehicle around town in style? Now’s your chance!
Sealed bids are being accepted now through 3 p.m. January 9 for a 1997 GMC Suburban Command Unit with 4-wheel drive, automatic transmission and approximately 75,000 miles on it.
The vehicle was retired from active service about a year ago.
In May, the truck appraised for $4,500, however, no minimum bid is being sought.
Bids can be mailed to Oxford Fire Department P.O. Box 911, 96 N. Washington St., Oxford, MI 48371.
For more information call Fire Station #1 at (248) 969-9483. Interested in impressing the ladies by driving retired Oxford Fire Chief Jack LeRoy’d old command vehicle around town in style? Now’s your chance!
Sealed bids are being accepted now through 3 p.m. January 9 for a 1997 GMC Suburban Command Unit with 4-wheel drive, automatic transmission and approximately 75,000 miles on it.
The vehicle was retired from active service about a year ago.
In May, the truck appraised for $4,500, however, no minimum bid is being sought.
Bids can be mailed to Oxford Fire Department P.O. Box 911, 96 N. Washington St., Oxford, MI 48371.
For more information call Fire Station #1 at (248) 969-9483. (See public notice on page 16 of the print edition).

Scrooge at the library
The Oxford Public Library will show the 1984 version of A Christmas Carol ? starring George C. Scott as the miser Ebenezer Scrooge ? Thursday, Dec. 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the library’s Rotary Community Room.

Adult winter reading program is back
Snuggle up and read with simmering soup in the Oxford Public Library’s Adult Winter Reading Program. Registration begins Saturday, Jan. 10.
The first 25 to register for Snuggle up and Read will receive a packet of Library Soup to take home and make.
Suggested reading lists include Read up a Storm, Hot Reads for Cold Nights, Winter Chillers and Spine Tinglers.
There will be weekly prize drawings on Fridays at 2 p.m., Jan. 16 through March 6. The grand prize drawing will be Friday, March 13 at 2 p.m. Prizes will include Harry and David mugs in spring baskets.

Special needs equestrian classes
The Banbury Cross Therapeutic Equestrian Center is holding year-round therapeutic riding and horsemanship programs for special-needs children and adults.
They are now booking winter sessions that will run from Jan. 5, 2009 to Feb. 8, 2009. The spring session will run from March 3, 2009 to April 25, 2009. For more information, call Jill Katynski or Ruth Donley at 248-628-(7433) RIDE.

Nominations sought for Chamber awards
Nominations are being sought for the Oxford Area Chamber of Commerce annual Community Awards Program.
The deadline to make a nomination for Citizen of the Year, Community Enhancement and New Business of the Year is 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 12.
Nominations should be e-mailed to or mailed to P.O. Box 142 Oxford, MI 48371.
Citizen of the Year nominees should be people who have given their time, energy and talents to improve the Oxford community.
Local businesses that have been located here for less than a year and have made significant contributions to the community are being sought as nominees for New Business of the Year.
Any individuals, groups or businesses that have made a significant contribution toward the renewal or preservation of our community can be nominated for the Community Enhancement Award.
For more information or to obtain a nomination form call Chamber Director Holly Bills at (248) 628-0410.
Award winners will be honored at the Chamber’s annual Christmas mixer to be held 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18 at the Boulder Pointe Banquet Center.

Noaker appointed to Leonard council
Doug Noaker is the newest addition to the Leonard Village Council.
On Monday night, council voted to appoint the 54-year-old resident to the vacant trustee seat.
‘I live here and I’d like to make sure things go well here,? Noaker said. ‘I’m pretty easygoing. I just like to see things get done.?
He will serve until the November 2010 election.
Noaker’s lived in Leonard since 1978 and is a retired maintenance supervisor who spent 34 years working for SMART (Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation). ‘Since I retired I now have a little bit more time and I wanted to give back to the village,? he said.
Working in management at SMART for 15 years gave Noaker plenty of experience dealing with people and running things like a business.
Noaker previously served as a trustee on the village council years ago and volunteered as a paid-on-call firefighter with the Addison department.
He and his wife, Linda, have been married for 29 years and have two grown children. ? Editor C.J. Carnacchio

Applicants sought for village trustee
Attention all Leonard residents looking to serve your community, the village council is looking for someone to fill a vacant trustee spot. Only two candidates, Char Sutherby and Pauline Blanka, ran for three trustee spots in the November election.
As a result, council President Mike McDonald is looking applicants who are at least 18 years old, a qualified village voter and don’t owe any back taxes or other debts to the village.
Trustees are paid $25 per meeting. Council meetings are once a month on the second Monday at Rowland Hall.
McDonald said council is hoping to appoint someone to fill the seat at its Monday, Dec. 8 meeting. Whoever is selected would serve until the next regularly-scheduled village election in November 2010.
So far, McDonald has only one applicant for the position, Jeff Roe, a longtime Leonard resident.
Those interested in applying for the seat should send a letter of interest ? and a resume, if they have one ? to the village council (P.O. Box 789, Leonard, MI 48367).
Or McDonald said interested parties could show up to the Dec. 8 meeting.

Visit Santa at Chili’s
Santa Claus is coming to town and he’s stopping at the Chili’s Grill & Bar in Oxford on Thursday, Dec. 11.
From 5 to 8 p.m., kids of all ages will be able to visit with Santa and receive a free goodie bag from the jolly ol? elf himself.
Parents, bring your cameras. Kids, bring your wish lists and biggest smiles.
Chili’s will be taking free digital photos of kids with St. Nick. Parents will be able to pick up prints at a later date.

Dentists collecting gifts for FISH
In cooperation with the Oxford/Orion FISH, Oxford Lakes Dental Care is accepting unwrapped Christmas gifts for children from infant to 17 years. Donations are accepted through Dec. 10, 2008, when they’re delivered to Oxford Orion FISH for distribution to needy families in Oxford, Lake Orion and Addison Township.
OLDC is at 91 South Washington Street in Oxford. You may call Debi at 248-628-2540 for more information.

‘Classic Chorale? Christmas concert
‘Christmas with the Classic Chorale? will be at the Oxford Free Methodist Church (790 S. Lapeer Rd.) on Saturday, Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. The performers are a community choir from the Oxford/Lake Orion area. A freewill offering will be taken.

Shop downtown, earn free dessert
Shop locally between now and January 2 and Victoria’s Delights (12 S. Washington St.) will buy dessert. Bring in a receipt from any business in the Oxford Downtown Development Authority district during the holiday season and enjoy a free sweet treat (dine-in only) courtesy of Victoria’s.
Any downtown business receipt is valid, but it must be redeemed at Victoria’s on the day of the purchase. Local purchases help keep Oxford strong, unique and sustainable.
For more information call (248) 969-3477.

Lake Orion artist to sign copies of her new book in Oxford
Kimberly Kelly Santini will sign copies of her new book, “Painting a Dog a Day–the First Year”, Dec. 7 from noon to 4 p.m. at Margot’s Gallery in Oxford. For more information, call the gallery at 248-628-5398. To see the book online, visit

Ortonville-The village council will be lining Mill, Church, South, James, Schoolhouse and Edwards streets with luminaries on Christmas Eve. Beginning at 5:30 p.m., volunteers are needed to light them.
If you are a resident wishing to line your own street, call the office by Dec. 15 with the number of luminaries you plan to pick up. From 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., Dec. 24, luminaries will be available for pickup at the DPW building.
Details: 810-627-6976.

Christmas concert
At 6 p.m., Dec. 7, the Goodrich United Methodist Church will host a Christmas program.The show includes a 35 piece brass band, the Salvation Army Flint Citadel Band and a Songsters choir. A free-will offering will be taken to support the Salvation Army Christmas effort.
Refreshments will be served after the concert.

After school STARS
Registrations are now being accepted for the STARS after school reading support program.
The program is for students in second through sixth grade that could benefit from reading fluency and comprehension support and begins the week of Dec. 1 and ends Jan. 29. Sessions are available at Harvey Swanson Elementary, 4-4:45 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays; H.T. Burt Elementary, 4-4:45 p.m., Mondays and Wednesdays; Brandon Fletcher Intermediate School, 3:45-4:30 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays; and the Clarkston Lakes Mobile Home Park Clubhouse, 4:30-5:15 p.m., Mondays and Wednesdays.
Sign-up at the Harvey Swanson special education office. Cost is $25.
Details: Pam Schoemer at 248-627-1855.

Rotary Club, Christmas party
The annual Oxford Rotary Senior Christmas will take place Dec. 9 at the Oxford Hills Golf Course on 300 E. Drahner Rd.
The event, which begins around 11 a.m., will feature a luncheon with a complete Christmas dinner offering.
The first 200 that sign up will receive gifts and acknowledgements. The event is free to all seniors. For more information or to make reservations, leave a voice mail at (248) 969-5065.

Dentists collecting gifts for FISH
In cooperation with the Oxford/Orion FISH, Oxford Lakes Dental Care is accepting unwrapped Christmas gifts for children from infant to 17 years. Donations are accepted through Dec. 10, 2008, when they’re delivered to Oxford Orion FISH for distribution to needy families in Oxford, Lake Orion and Addison Township.
OLDC is at 91 South Washington Street in Oxford. You may call Debi at 248-628-2540 for more information.

Free Thanksgiving dinner offered
CJ’s Lakeside Grill will host a free Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, Nov. 27 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for area seniors, shut-ins and others who want to share the holiday. Call CJ’s for shut-in service or for more information at 248-693-8704.
The grill is located in Lake Orion on 21 West Flint Street.

Coat Drive accepting donations
The 22nd Annual ‘Coats for the Cold? Coat Drive, sponsored by the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, will run through Nov. 30. The drive will accept donations of new or clean, used coats to be distributed to needy for free. Locally, coats can be dropped off at the sheriff’s Oxford Twp. substation located at 2119 N. Lapeer Rd. in the Express Mini Storage facility.
For more information call 248-858-5000 or visit

Items for soldiers overseas sought
The Michigan Military Mom’s Organization is currently accepting donations for overseas soldiers to be dropped off at Patti’s Place for Hair at 21 South Broadway in Lake Orion. Among items being accepted are old cell phones (which can be redeemed for pre-paid phone cards for the troops), cards, hygiene products, hand lotions, lip balm, protein bars, etc. For more information, contact Patti at 248-693-5888.

Annual Craft Show coming to Oxford
The 16th Annual Holiday Happenings Craft Show will be at the St. Joseph School in Lake Orion (seven miles north of the Palace of Auburn Hills on the west side of M-24) on Saturday, Nov. 22 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sunday, Nov. 23 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. More than 100 exhibitors will be at the craft show, and there will also be a raffle, luncheon, bake sale and door prizes. Admission will cost $2.

LOVE INC president to speak
Love In the Name of Christ of North Oakland County is pleased to announce that the organization’s National President Robert Odom will be visiting. He’ll speak Saturday, Nov. 22 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. at Christ The King Church, on 1550 W. Drahner Road in Oxford.
For more information call 248.693.HELP (4357).

Free Thanksgiving dinner offered
CJ’s Lakeside Grill will host a free Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, Nov. 27 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for area seniors, shut-ins and others who want to share the holiday. Call CJ’s for shut-in service or for more information at 248-693-8704.
The grill is located in Lake Orion on 21 West Flint Street.

Want to play lacrosse for OHS?
If so, please attend a meeting Monday, Nov. 24 at 7 p.m. at Oxford High School’s L.G.I. room. The team’s preparing for the 2009 spring season. For more information to learn what needs to be ordered, (payment must be received by Nov. 28 for apparel to arrive before holiday season), visit

Fruitcakes to benefit charities
The Pontiac Civitan Club will sell Claxton Fruitcakes to benefit local charities, such as the Oxford/Orion FISH and the Oxford/Addison Youth Assistance Agency.
For more information, contact Merle Smith at 248-736-2849.

Blood drive
From 1-7 p.m., Nov. 28, the Ortonville United Methodist Church will host a blood drive. To make an appointment, call 248-3250 or Use zip code: 48462.

POW speaks
At 1 p.m., Dec. 8, at the Edna Burton Senior Center, 345 Ball St., Ortonville, Walter Strzelecki will share his experiences as a wrongly imprisoned World War II concentration camp survivor. Details: 248-627-6678.

Military remembered
During the next several editions, The Citizen will recognize and support our local military men and women serving our country away from home during the holiday season. Please contact The Citizen at 248-627-4332 or e-mail us at with the names of Brandon or Goodrich High School graduates currently serving.

Coffee hour cancelled
The Citizen’s monthly coffee hour has been cancelled due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Details: 248-627-4332.

Early deadlines
The Citizen will be closed on Nov. 27 due to Thanksgiving. Deadlines for advertising and editorial will be Tuesday, Nov. 25 at noon.

Get the low down on being a Girl Scout

The Girl Scouts of Oxford Service Unit is holding a Luau Recruitment and Information Night in Oxford on Thursday, November 13 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Lakeville Elementary.
Any girls or adult volunteers interested in joining Girl Scouts are encouraged to attend the Girl Scout Recruitment Night to obtain information on becoming a Girl Scout or Girl Scout leader.
Girls will have the opportunity to meet girls currently involved in Girl Scouting and learn what Girl Scouting is all about.
There will also be a display of Girl Scout uniforms and books. The Oxford Service unit is in need of Girl Scout Troop Leaders also.
Girl Scout Levels are Daisy Girl Scouts – Kindergarten-1st Grade; Brownie Girl Scouts – Grades 2-3; Junior Girl Scouts – Grades 4-5; Cadette Girl Scouts – Grades 6-8.

Indoor garage sale at OES Nov. 15

The Oxford Elementary School will hold an indoor garage sale Saturday, Nov. 15 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The sale is for those looking to donate unneeded items along with those looking for bargains.
Donated items can be dropped off at OES on Friday, Nov. 14 from 4-8 p.m.
All proceeds will benefit Project Graduation 2009. For more information call Brenda Kubiak at 248-701-2581.

FISH T-day food drive thru Nov. 20

Oxford Orion FISH will hold its Annual Thanksgiving Holiday Food Drive Nov. 6-20.
Canned goods and other non-perishable food items can be dropped off at the following Oxford locations ? The Oxford Leader office, Chili’s Grill & Bar and Achatz Handmade Pie Co.
The food will be distributed to local folks in need for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
Volunteers will be needed to sort the food on Nov. 20 and 21 from 11 a.m. to Noon at the FISH Pantry in Thomas.
Please call 248-693-0638 for directions.
FISH has a real need for turkeys this year for its Thanksgiving baskets. Donations of frozen turkeys or grocery gift cards to purchase them would be most appreciated.
Those interested in donating turkeys should call 248-693-0638. Please do not drop any frozen birds off at the above food drive locations.

You gotta support the band, man
Members of the Oxford High School Marching Band and Color Guard will be out and about Friday and Saturday collecting donations as part of their annual ‘Tag Days? fund-raiser.
The band students will be dressed in their uniforms and stationed at the intersection of Washington and Burdick streets in downtown Oxford and Forest and Elmwood streets in downtown Leonard. They will also be at various local businesses.
Donations help band students pay for band supplies, upkeep and gas for the band trailer, and various out-of-state trips.
Don’t let the music stop, please give.

FISH T-day food drive Nov. 6-20
Oxford Orion FISH will hold its Annual Thanksgiving Holiday Food Drive Nov. 6-20.
Canned goods and other non-perishable food items can be dropped off at the following Oxford locations ? The Oxford Leader office, Chili’s Grill & Bar and Achatz Handmade Pie Co.
The food will be distributed to local folks in need for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
Volunteers will be needed to sort the food on Nov. 20 and 21 from 11 a.m. to Noon at the FISH Pantry in Thomas.
Please call 248-693-0638 for directions.

Legion blood drive
Oxford American Legion Post #108 will host a Red Cross Blood Drive Nov. 7 from 2-8 p.m.
Pre-registration is appreciated. To make an appointment or to register, call 248-628-1051.

Civitans selling fruitcakes for charity
The Pontiac Civitan Club will be selling Claxton Fruitcakes to benefit local charities, such as the Oxford/Orion FISH and the Oxford/Addison Youth Assistance Agency.
Locally, the fruitcakes will once again be for sale at Oxford Bank.
Last year’s sales ? with no overhead costs ‘resulted in more than $4,000 to local programs.
For more information contact Merle Smith at 248-736-2849.

Thespians host fund-raisers

Help support the future of Hollywood and Broadway by attending one (or both) of the Oxford Theater Company’s upcoming fund-raising events.
A Murder Mystery will take place this evening (Wednesday) at 7 p.m. in the Oxford High School Band Room.
Italia Gardens (1076 S. Lapeer Rd.) is hosting a fund-raiser for the student group on Tuesday, Nov. 4 from 3-9 p.m.
Twenty-five percent of customers? overall bills (dine-in or carry-out) will benefit the theater company.
Groups of six or more please call (248) 628-4112 for reservations. Groups of 20 or more are welcome to use the banquet room.

Stop by the fire halls Hallween night

After the little ones are done trick-or-treating Halloween night, head over to the fire halls in Oxford and Addison for free cider and donuts.
In Oxford, both Station #1 (N. Washington and Church streets) and Station #2 (W. Drahner and Newman roads) will be serving the refreshing autumn treats from 7:30-8:30 p.m.
In downtown Leonard, the old fire hall on E. Elmwood St. (next to Rowland Hall) will be the place to fill your belly beginning at 7 p.m.

NHS blood drive

The Oxford High School National Honor Society will host a blood drive at the high school on Wednesday, Nov. 5 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Nurses from the American Red Cross will be conducting the drive.
Cookies and drinks will be available to those who donate.
For more information contact Joshua Budden at (248) 396-2592.

Where to vote

During the Tuesday, Nov. 4 general election, all polling locations will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.
In Oxford, voters can cast a ballot at the Oxford Veterans Memorial Civic Center (Precinct 1), Oxford Elementary School (Precincts 2 & 7), Oxford Free Methodist Church (Precincts 3 & 5), Christ the King Church (Precinct 4) and the Oxford Public Library (Precinct 6).
In Addison, vote at Rowland Hall (Precinct 1), the township offices (Precinct 2) and Fire Station #1 (Precinct 3).
Voters will be required to show a current photo ID at the polls. Those without one must sign an affidavit stating they are who they say they are.

Harvest supper
Christ Lutheran Church is hosting an annual Harvest Supper from 4 – 7 p.m., Nov. 5. Adults dinner will cost $9 and children under 5 are free. Christ Lutheran Church is located at 5247 Hadley Road, Goodrich. Details: Kate Deschner, 810-636-2567.

From 5-10 p.m., Oct. 27, the Goodrich High School wrestling team will host a fundraiser at John’s Steak House, M-15 Goodrich. The wrestlers will be working as waiters and waitresses and all tips they earn will go to the team. Details: 810-584-0560.

Contract extended
Atlas Twp.-The Genesee County Sheriff’s Department has asked the township to extend the contract for police protection until Nov. 15. The contract, established about 13 years ago and funded by 1 mill and a special assessment, is set to expire on Oct. 31.
‘The sheriff’s department has requested more time to finalize their budget prior to establishing a new contract with the township,? said Paul Amman, township supervisor.
The last contract established between the township and sheriff’s department increased in 2007 to $440,000 from the 2006 contract of $399,000.

Halloween coffee
The Citizen hosts a social hour with coffee and sweet treats the last Friday of every month at our office, 12 South St., Ortonville. The next social hour is Oct. 31. Stop by for a visit, costume optional.

Business Expo
From 5-8 p.m., Nov. 12, at the Brandon High School cafeteria, 1025 S. Ortonville Road, the Greater Ortonville Area Chamber of Commerce will host the seventh annual Business Expo 2008. The event is open to the public.
Details: 248-627-8079.
Details: 248-627-4332.

‘Best of the Best?
We want to know what are your favorite places to dine, shop and be entertained in Oxford, Lakeville and Leonard.
Check out page 25 of this week’s The Ad-Vertiser and vote for your favorite local businesses in 65 categories.
Sending in your ballot automatically enters you in a random drawing to win one of three gift certificates, ranging from $25 to $100, good at the winning establishment of your choice.

Scholz contract OKed
It’s official ? Pete Scholz will take over as the new Oxford fire chief Nov. 1. Last week, the township Board unanimously approved an employment agreement with Scholz that expires Dec. 31, 2011.
Under the terms of the contract, Scholz, who’s served with the department since February 1976 and currently holds the position of deputy chief, is an at-will employee with a starting salary of $75,000 per year plus fringe benefits.
Scholz? salary will be increased annually according to the state’s cost of living index. Annual merit increases can also be granted under the contract based on employee performance reviews. ? CJC

Budgets approved
How Oxford Township plans to spend your money was decided last week as the board approved the 2009 budgets.
A general fund budget of $1,697,035 was okayed along with a $2,222,456 budget for police. A combined $2,632,153 budget for the fire department and emergency medical services was approved.
Township officials also okayed various individual fund budgets for cemetery maintenance ($149,000), roads ($44,000) and safety paths ($90,800). ? CJC

PC denies extension
A request for a two-year extension of final site plan and PUD approval for the Lakeshore Village condo development was denied last week by the Oxford Twp. Planning Commission.
The denial only affects the 48 units that would be located on 14.23 acres in the township along the east side of N. Oxford Rd. It does not affect the other 35 units to be located on 6.42 acres in the village along the east side of N. Glaspie Rd.
A two-year extension was requested because ‘as a result of the depressed Michigan housing,? the project ‘has proceeded slower than anticipated; to the point where initial construction has yet to commence,? wrote James Eppink on behalf of the developer Mark Hubbard.
The PC already granted the project a one-year extension in December 2007. Because the new township ordinance only permits one extension, the project was denied a second one. If Hubbard wishes to go forward with the township portion, he must resubmit his plans for approval.
Village approval of the project expires in November. Eppink said an extension will be sought from the village PC. ? CJC

Joslyn Road to close
The CN Railroad will close Joslyn Road between Brown and Silver Bell roads in Orion Township from Nov. 5 through Nov. 9 . Detour route for Joslyn through traffic will be Brown Road to Giddings Road to Silver Bell Road and back to Joslyn Road and vice versa.
However, the road will be open Tuesday, Nov. 6, so voters can easily get to their election polling locations. The closure will be reinstated on Wednesday, Nov. 7.

Green light for Verizon tower
Orion Township Board of Trustees Approved both the special land use and the site plan for the incoming Verizon cell phone tower to be sited at the corner of Baldwin and Waldon Roads. The vote was 5-1 in favor of the land use and site plan, with Clerk Shults the only abstention.

Township modifies pension plan
The Orion Township voted to approved amendments to Group Pension Plan. A 24 hold on pension distributions was removed, as was a provision to allow immediate vesting for Elected Officials. Supervisor Van Tassell voluntarily removed herself and abstained from discussion and action regarding Group Pension Plan Amendments.

Internet safety forum
Detective Sergeant Darren Ofiara from the Oakland County’s Sheriff’s Office will speak about internet safety and will share basic safety procedures parents should know in order to protect their children. Ofiara will discuss cyber scams, cyber bullying, Facebook usage and other topics for which cyber-crime law knowledge is critical. Additionally, parents will have a chance to ask questions and will be provided with resources they may utilize at home to stay safe

Clerk stays open for voters
The Clerk’s Office will be open on Sat., Nov. 3, 9 am – 2 pm, for Absentee Voting for Orion Township Voters. Call 248-391-0304 ext. 104 for more information.

Contest winners
The sixth annual Art of Life art contest was held June 15 with 38 entries competing for first, second, and third place. The first place winners for each age group are as follows: Adult: Cheryl Grounds; ages 15-17: Nick Wummel; ages 12-14: Lauren Hunt; ages 9-11: Zoee Harris; and ages 5-8: Emilynne Brave. The most popular subject matter among the drawings and paintings were animals and older architecture.

Footbridge closed
Ortonville- Due to safety concerns, the footbridge between South Street and Harvey Swanson Elementary School, 209 Varsity Drive, will be closed until further notice. The bridge will be replaced this summer.

Flag pole volunteers
From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., June 26-29, the Village of Goodrich Office will be seeking volunteers to begin the installation of the flag pole display. Details:

Cereal drop-off
From 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday, and Sundays the Ortonville United Methodist Church (OUMC), 105 Church St., is collecting cereal to be distributed to families in need in the village for summer breakfasts. Many youth qualify for free or reduced costs for breakfast and lunches during the school year. For more details about Village Kids Breakfast Club – contact Betty Stewart, 248-627-3324.

On June 30, Oakland County Parks will be hosting a fireworks celebration at Groveland Oaks County Park, 14555 Dixie Highway, Holly. Music, crafts, inflatables, pony rides, DJ dance, group games and more will also be available at the park. The cost is $10 per vehicle park entry fee after 5 p.m. or free with a 2012 Annual Vehicle Permit. Details:

Pedal Across Lower Michigan
On June 28, Brandon High School will be welcoming more than 900 cyclists from the group, Pedal Across Lower Michigan. The cyclists will be biking to and sleeping in Ortonville as one of their many stops until the group reaches their final destination of New Baltimore. Nights are spent at schools that allow the riders to use the showers and set up tents. Most often the school’s food service is called on to prepare and serve the meal.The ride helps promote bicycling by demonstrating that people can cycle public roads safely and enjoy doing it. Details: Ann Walker, 810-624-2722.

Prescription drug drop
From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department will be hosting a prescription drug drop-off at Atlas Township Hall, 7386 S. Gale Road. The sheriff’s department hopes to properly dispose of unwanted and expired prescriptions and over-the-counter medications.Details: Atlas Township Hall, 810-636-2548.

Library millage
At 7 p.m., June 25 Harvey’s Restaurant, 39 N. Ortonville Road, will host a Support Our Library ballot question committee. Volunteers and donations are welcome. The issue will be on the Aug. 7 ballot.
Details: 248-892-7632.

Blood drive
From noon to 5:45 p.m., June 7, the Goodrich United Methodist Church, 8071 S. State Road, Goodrich will be hosting the American Red Cross Blood Drive. Individuals 17 years and older who are in good health may donate blood. Please bring a donor card and Michigan driver’s license or form of ID if planning to donate. Details: 1-800-733-2767.

Flag retirement
From 7 to 8 p.m., May 27, Ortonville Cemetery, 175 N. Ortonville Road, will host a Flag Retirement Ceremony. Anybody that has a flag they would like to retire is welcome to bring it to the ceremony. Cub Scout Troop 531 will be in attendance.

Can drive
During the months of May and June, the Village of Goodrich is hosting a can and bottle drive to support the Flag Display Eagle Project. Bottle and cans can be dropped off at Fantasy Land Ceramics, Brown’s Do-It Center, Lucy’s Pet Supplies and Feeds, and Hempton’s Goodrich Body Shop. Please rinse out bottles and cans before donation. Details: Hunter Hansz at 810-797-6039.

Art contest
By 3 p.m., June 6 to June 15, Art for Life, 391 Mill St. Ortonville, will register entries for the 6th Annual Art Contest. The entry fee is $10 for ages 18 years and older. One entry per artist is required as well as a frame for entries 18 years and older. The art must be no larger than 18 by 24 inches and be two-dimensional original pieces. First, second, and third place winners in each age group will receive a ribbon and gift certificate from Art for Life. Entries must be ready to hang by securely attached wire. No craft kits. Details: 248- 627-4901.

Office closed
The Citizen newspaper office, 12 South St., Ortonville, will be closed May 28 in observance of Memorial Day. The office will reopen May 29. 248-627-4332.

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