New Michigan Out-of-Doors host at home

What was always a hobby for Kelly Gotch is now her job.
As the new Michigan Out-of-Doors associate producer and on-air co-host, Gotch is able to hunt and fish, her favorite pastime since she was tiny.
‘This job is the best of both worlds,? said Gotch, 25, a former Ortonville resident. ‘It’s what I want to do professionally and what I love to do in my free time.?
Gotch began her new job in April, after it was vacated by Jenny Olsen, who took a job in Texas as editor and videographer for the nationally televised show ‘Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild.?
Like her predecessor, Gotch graduated from Brandon High School. She studied broadcasting at Central Michigan University and after graduating in 2002, moved to New Orleans, were she did videography for the rock band Knickelshot and worked at the New Orleans International Airport.
After a year and a half, she returned to Michigan.
‘I missed the hunting and fishing, it wasn’t the same down there,? says Gotch, who auditioned for the job at the end of March along with 100 other people and landed the job after a second interview.
Prior to becoming the show’s host, Gotch did most of her hunting and fishing in Lewiston and Luzerne, where her grandfathers have cabins. She has hunted deer and turkey and says she prefers bow-hunting to rifle-hunting because it’s ‘more fun and challenging.? She likes to fish for just about anything, although she most enjoys fishing for walleye.
Before this job, her favorite outdoors hobby was archery. Now, she says she is really getting into fly-fishing.
‘Since I’ve started here, I’ve learned a lot,? Gotch says. ‘We’ve been going to some pretty neat rivers.?
Traveling all around Michigan is one of the best perks of her job and so is getting to do all the things she learned from college broadcasting classes.
‘My very favorite thing is I get to do everything, including on-air work, editing, choosing the material, writing and running the camera,? said Gotch. ‘It’s rewarding to get a lot of creative control.?
The Michigan Out-of-Doors show can be viewed on PBS every Thursday, at 8:30, 9, or 9:30 p.m. depending on viewer location. For more information, visit

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