‘New? firefighters stand guard in Springfield Township

They’re not really new, but they represent a new stage of service with the Springfield Township Fire Department.
Ryan Hart and Matt Strickland were hired for the new positions authorized in the 2004 fire department budget. Each will work the day shift at each of the township’s two fire stations, not only providing quick emergency response but also handling duties in equipment maintenance and fire prevention.
Both were formerly paid-on-call firefighters, Hart having four and a half years experience with Springfield (and part-time experience with the Royal Oak Township Fire Department), and Strickland has been with the Springfield department for seven years.
‘I love it,? Hart said of his new full-time status. ‘It’s close to home. It’s in the community I grew up in.?
Both firefighters are certified emergency medical technicians. Strickland has special training in response to hazardous materials incidents and is a trainer in weapons of mass destruction for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Domestic Preparedness.
Strickland has lived in the area for eight years, and shares Hart’s motivation: ‘I just want to serve the community I live in.?
They’ll do that not only with rapid response to fire and medical calls, but also with more ongoing equipment maintenance and enhanced ability to troubleshoot problems.
‘The reliability of the equipment is going to be there, because there will be someone at each station,? Strickland said. ‘A wise man said a fireman is a full-time janitor, maintenance guy and mechanic.?
Volunteer and paid-on-call fire departments have found it increasingly difficult to find people available to respond to daytime emergencies, so many have increased their full-time staff. In 2003, the department had one day shift covered by paid-on-call firefighters.
Since the general procedure is to have equipment from both stations respond to all fire calls, there should be faster action with both stations covered.
‘We’ll be there quicker. Normally we’re at home,? Hart said. ‘It’s nice to have another guy at the other station.?
Hart is engaged to be married to July. He and his fiancee enjoy off-roading at a variety of locations, with his favorite spot being the Silver Lake sand dunes.
Strickland is married with children ages 10, eight and four. He said he’s really into ‘computer stuff? and spending time with his kids, especially with children’s programs at Faith Baptist Church in Waterford.
Whether it sounds corny or not, both said being a full-time firefighter was a childhood dream.
‘I’m glad it’s finally happening after five years of working hard,? Hart said. ‘I’ve wanted to do this since I was in second grade at Davisburg Elementary.?

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