My ego runs way deeper than I thought!

I’ve been wanting to write about our daughter Luan, and her courting by now-husband Bob Offer in 1969.
To refresh my memory I re-read a history I wrote of Hazel’s life and my own life story. A couple years after Hazel died in 2001, I wrote down about each of our lives, hers from 1925, mine from a year later.
I was looking for dates. Let’s see, in 1969 Luan was 13, Bob 12. They had met at swimming lessons. The Offer family lived at the north end of mile-long Tan Lake in Oxford, we lived on the south end of the same lake.
The Offers and Shermans were included in many friend-business activities.
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Now I want to skip ahead to the summer of 1981. This is not from my memory. Bob recently told me he asked me if he could marry Luan. He probably did, but I’ve questioned about everything else he’s said in recent years. (A little cynicism there.)
Other than these two kids dating for a prom, I recall no togetherness.
I questioned Hazel about this sudden activity.
I can still see (feel) her words and reaction. She said something like: ‘Jim, they’ve been seeing each other since they were 12 and 13 when they raced rowboats on the lake. (Lu drove my Eska five-horse outboard, Bob had a five-and-a-half-horse Evinrude. But he didn’t always win.) They dated all through college.?
I did not know that! I knew they both went to Michigan State. That was about it.
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That brings us to date, and to my ego-ridden life story. I write of all my many schools, homes, jobs, and total life things. But, never did I write of our three kids. No note of births, names, nothing. It’s all about me, baby.
Which brings me to the answer of the question, why did I write these histories in the first place?
So, now I’ll re-write these histories with some additions, and put them in a file where they’ll help complete a landfill.
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It’s easy for me to get irritated with tv commercials, particularly on gold and political blah. Gold sellers talk of ‘hard earned? when talking of money.
Invest your hard earned money in something solid, like gold.
Politicians take time from their ‘very busy? schedule to talk forever to tv and radio interviewers.
Their schedules aren’t half as busy as a bulldozer operator.
If people are earning money working at something they enjoy (as I did for 50 years) then it ain’t ‘hard earned.?
The gold sellers might aim their spiel to heirs who never worked. They are more apt to have ‘easy earned? risk money.
? I take Paxil as an antidepressant. It became necessary from hearing the news and commentary thereon.
? Toyota issued a recall recently because ‘a nut might come loose and cause an accident.? Duh! Ain’t a car ever been made that couldn’t crash due to a loose nut.
? Speaking of driving, I think of all the creatures that cross roads, I’m more concerned of hitting a turtle than any other live thing. To me turtles have great character.

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