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When school board trustees Susan Boatman and Rosalie Lieblang read proposed contract information at the Aug. 24 meeting, they found it lacking.
‘We want to see the entire contract,? Lieblang said. ‘I’d like to see the numbers.?
‘If we are asked to approve a contract, I’d like to see the whole contract,? said Boatman, vice president of the Clarkston Board of Education.
Trustee Joan Patterson supported delaying action on the contract.
‘Two trustees are asking for more information ? could we table it until they get that information,? Patterson asked. ‘I’d like to see everyone satisfied.?
Voting on the original motion to approve the contract, the board voted 4-3 to reject it. Boatman, Lieblang, and Patterson were joined by Trustee Joe Armstrong in voting ‘no.?
Supporting the motion were board President Stephen Hyer, Secretary Cheryl McGinnis, and Trustee Barry Bomier.
Bomier said Superintendent Dr. Al Roberts provided what the board requested.
‘I’m concerned with the precedent this sets,? Bomier said. ‘I don’t think we should dive into every personnel contract ? the superintendent did what we asked.?
The board scheduled a special meeting, 7 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 26, at the administration building to readdress the issue.
Three administrators, including Deputy Superintendent David Reschke and Human Resources Executive Director Linda Nester, posted notice they will soon retire, but offered to remain as contract employees for a year to help with transition, Roberts said.
‘We might lose these three administrators,? he said. ‘This would give us time to seek appropriate replacements.?
‘It’s grossly unfair to drag this out for these employees,? Hyer said.
Under the proposed contract, the administrators would work as independence contractors with Professional Contract Management of Marine City, Mich.
Contracting their services would save about $83,000, Roberts said.

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