Millage renewal on ballot in Addison

By Casey Curtis
Leader Staff Writer
To maintain the current staffing level at the Addison Oakland County Sheriff’s substation, township officials will ask voters to renew a 3.5-mill property tax in the August 8 election.
The township’s two police millages ‘both of which expired Dec. 31, 2005 ‘will be combined into one proposal ‘for convenience,? according to Sgt. Pete Burkett, commander of the Addison substation.
‘I just want to stress this is a millage renewal,? he said. ‘We are not asking for any more money. We just want to keep our status quo.?
Voters originally approved 2.5 mills for police services in 1986 and 1 mill in August 2002 to increase staffing at the substation from five to six deputies.
Headlee Amendment rollbacks reduces these rates to 1.9393 mill and 0.9357 mill respectively in their final levies last year.
As of Tuesday, 321 of the 930 applications for absentee ballots have been returned to Addison Township officials.

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