Martian girls Volleyball win in tri-meet

Goodrich improved their record Oct. 16 in a non-conference tri match against Waterford Our Lady of the Lakes and Swartz Creek. The Martians won the matches against both teams. The team’s league record is now 8-3 and overall is 22-18-7. Niki McKerracher had 17 kills and 5 blocks for the Goodrich Martians, and Jenny Eisinger went 24/24 serving with five aces and had nine digs. Lauren Warner was 100 percent on serve receive, six kills, and also had five digs.
‘The girls played with more intensity,? says Robyn Batterbee, Goodrich varsity volleyball coach.
? Half of our team is under the weather, but our girls stepped it up tonight and played through the adverse situation.?
The Martians? next match is home on Oct, 22. It is a non-conference tri-meet with Bad Axe and Genesee Christian.

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