Martian cagers top Blue Devils

The Goodrich Martians boys varsity basketball team improved their winning record to 11-1 Jan. 22 with a win over Lake Fenton Blue Devils. The boys added a 61-55 to their pile of wins.
Andrew Patrick led the Goodrich offense with 15 points. Colin Angle added 13 points for Goodrich, while Jake McGinnis had 10 points and five steals. Robert Short scored all five of his points in the fourth quarter.
Many other teammates helped out with the eleventh win. Caleb Jones had six points for the Martians, along with Joe Boisture. Robert Short, captain, had five points to help out the Martians? offense. Derek Warner had two points, along with Ben Eikey and Charlie Burt, also captain. Both Angle and Jones had three-point shots for Goodrich.
The Martians will play at Lakeville High School at 7 p.m. Jan 29.

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