By Megan Kelley
Review Writer
With a little over a month left of the school year for the seniors at Lake Orion High School, the topic of graduation and the format in which a commencement ceremony will be held has become an important one.
Last year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, LOHS held their graduation in the parking lot of LOHS as a drive-in style commencement ceremony.
This year, however, with lightened restrictions, Lake Orion Community Schools is expected to return to their traditional graduation format by holding it at DTE Energy Music Theater on June 8.
While this comes as welcome news to many in the community, LOCS school board members included, the date is still tentative and will depend on the COVID-19 restrictions at that time.
According to the LOHS website, current plans show families being limited to four attendees plus the student graduating. It is possible that additional tickets may be available if the crowd size limits are increased before graduation.
Because of the setup at DTE, graduates will be seating under the roofed pavilion as is done in prior commencements held at the theater. While some attendees may be able to be seated in the pavilion, a majority of the attendees will be seated on the lawn/hill. DTE is planning to space families out to allow for six feet of social distancing.
Attendees and graduates will be required to wear facemasks while inside DTE Energy Music Theater and individuals who have been asked to isolate due to a COVID-positive test, are exhibiting COVID-like symptoms, have been exposed to an individual who has tested positive for COVID in the past 14 days, or have otherwise been advised to quarantine or isolate for health-related reasons will not be permitted to attend.
LOCS is expected to provide further information regarding tickets and seating when it becomes available.
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