LOCS approves three bid awards at April 14 mtg.

Lake Orion Community Schools approved several bid awards during their April 14 meeting last week which included sinking fund and bond items.

First up was a consolidated bid award for both bond and sinking fund projects. The projects included electrical upgrades at Lake Orion High School, resurfacing of the LOHS tennis courts, furniture removal and the replacement of the bus wash system at our Transportation facility.

The Board of Education voted to authorize the LOCS administration to execute the contracts in the amount of $328,767 with allocated contingency and allowances in the amount of $135,910, for a grand total of $464,677.

Next, the board approved the purchase of the second part of the video surveillance and door access control system.

LOCS began installing a new video surveillance camera system and expanded the existing door access control system in the summer of 2020. The Early Childhood Center, Paint Creek, Stadium Drive and Webber Elementary are expected to be addressed in this phase of installation.

The Board of Education voted for district administration to finalize and execute a contract with Interstate Security, Inc. to purchase and install video surveillance and door access control systems not to exceed $291,442 with a contingency authorization of $29,144 for a project total of $320,586.

Lastly, after months of pilot testing, LOCS was finally ready to move forward with their elementary school furniture purchases.

According to district documents, a request for proposals for furniture was issued on Feb. 15 with multiple proposals being received by March 2.

District officials along with GMB personnel reviewed the proposals and provided recommendations. Samples were shipped to LOCS where they held meetings that involved stakeholders.

“All schools were happy with the products proposed,” district documents said.

The LOCS Board of Education voted to approve the following furniture contracts: Custer Inc. in the amount of $593,117, Great Lake Furniture Supply for the amount of $557,525, KI Inc. in the amount of $35,749, Dew-El Corporation for the amount of $329,383, Interior Environments for a total of $179,853 and Lake Shore Learning Store in the amount of $44,963.

Additionally, the Board of Education also authorized administration to procure additional furnishings from various vendors using their existing cooperative contract pricing, not to exceed the amounts listed from Custer Inc. in the amount of $61,686, Interior Environments for the amount of $40,500, Facilitech Solutions for $37,408.20 and Airea Inc. at $102,400.

The grand total commitment for furniture rounding out to $1,982,586. — M.K.


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