LOCS administration provides strategic plan year three update

By Joseph Goral
Staff Writer
LAKE ORION — Lake Orion Community Schools administration provided an update to year three of their strategic plan with a power point presentation during a board of education workshop meeting on Jan. 22.
The district’s goals were divided into five focus areas as they were in August – Academics and Programs, Communication and Community Engagement, Finance and Operations, Learning Environment and Culture, and Personnel and Leadership. The district listed their progress with each area in the presentation, and included changes to some areas.
“We did add the word on finance before operations because you will see in the plan we have added … a slide for finance,” Superintendent Heidi Mercer said, adding the power point presentation is a “working document.”
1. Academics and Programs
Goal statement: Lake Orion Community Schools will increase opportunities and flexibility for all dragons.
Scheduling year-three progress
“Parent university” was removed from the district’s year-three scheduling plans August 2024 update.
The “year three progress” section for scheduling is made up of three new bullet points. The first states “flexible scheduling option videos are posted on the high school counseling website, and will be shared with students in upcoming scheduling presentations.”
The second states 191 high school students have taken 367 virtual courses during the school year’s first and second quarter.
The final point says LOHS’s open-lab daily classroom numbers average 27 to 44 students during the year’s first and second quarter.
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Drew Towlerton said LOCS will continue to offer courses and opportunities virtually to meet student needs while ensuring they are not expanded to the point where it becomes unmanageable.
Curriculum year three progress
Seven points of curriculum progress were identified under this section. The sexual education committee was updated to a fill vacancy, and the first of likely two sexual education meeting will be held February 6.
Elementary math professional development happened on November 1, in December labs, and on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and focused on bridges implementation, according to Towlerton.
The high school math pilot was held with CPM training on Oct. 24, and Middle School elective course offerings began review on Oct 22.
Collaboration between special education and general education is being worked on. TCs are reviewing current instructional programs in the Special Education Department, according to the presentation.
Finally, four special education teachers were selected to pilot a program that helps special education teachers, and had a planning meeting in October.
Technology year-three progress
So far, Towlerton has bi-weekly meetings with the Technology and Teaching, and Learning Departments, and a Cyber-security plan was finalized on Dec 6.
2. Communication and Community Engagement
Goal statement: Lake Orion Community Schools will enhance district communications and increase community engagement in schools.
Adult enrichment year-three progress
According to the presentation, Enrichment Services Supervisor Lori McGraw met with Great Lakes Athletic Club staff, and the parties are planning to have open communication and meet occasionally to discuss programming.
Community Connections year-three progress
LOCS held Dragon Community Champions on Sept. 11, the LOHS leadership class increased connections with Pomeroy Orion, LOCS supported and advertised the annual summer multi-class reunion and connected with alums at the event and the Wall of Excellence Ceremony was held.
The presentation also states additional community individuals will be invited to future meetings.
3. Finance and Operations
Goal statement: Lake Orion Community Schools will maintain and enhance operations and facilities.
Managing 2024 Sinking Fund Millage year-three progress
The district finalized their fiscal year 2023-24 spending, and discussed project planning and purpose with the finance committee. The presentation also states the carpenter property purchase will occur in fall of 2025.
Alternate revenue sources year-three progress
The district is continuing planning with school financial services, and the sale of the administration building was scheduled for Jan. 23. LOCS has received $10,000 of the $70,000 down payment for the building, according to Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance Andrea Curtis.
“Once they are ready for construction to begin, that’s when we have to receive the rest of the payment which would be $630,000,” Curtis said.
The board voted in May last year to sell the Administration Building to West Investment Group for $700,000.
The Clarkston Road cell tower development’s current ground lease option renewal expires April 28.
“This was supposed to be a revenue stream, an ongoing revenue stream,” LOCS Board of Education Secretary Susan Flaherty said. “It’s becoming an ongoing headache.”
Manage 2018 bond projects year-three progress
This planning section now includes reviewing cash flow and anticipated costs to determine project completion and consideration of future bond needs.
Administration holds biweekly bond meetings for budget and construction, is in the midst of site planning of current Bond projects, and are targeting to sell series three of the bond in May 2025
2025 Bond Proposal year-three progress
Needs assessment planning for future bond needs has taken place, which GMB and Plante Moran presented during the workshop.
Review of areas of operations year-three progress
A transportation department is study is listed as “in progress,” and a final draft with recommendations expected is by end of February.
Facility renter groups and rates review were continued with district groups, and administration building transition planning is in progress with the move scheduled for 2025.
Finance year-three progress
LOCS has been reviewing the fund-balance policy, and will discuss recommended changes with the finance committee.
There have also been more frequent and more in-depth departmental budget meetings.
The amended budget was also discussed with the LOCS Leadership team to ensure everyone is aware of the district’s big picture for the budget.
The district is also in the beginning phases of gathering data for indirect cost review of charges to programs within the district.
4. Learning Environment and Culture
Goal statement: Lake Orion Community Schools will provide a learning environment where all students and staff feel safe, supported, honored and respected.
Social Emotional Learning year-three progress
SAEBRS BOY data was shared with the board in October, and middle of the year data will be shared once the SAEBRS and MySAEBRS BOY screener window is completed by Feb. 7.
Buildings are also following all protocols in supporting students, according to Towlerton. All new staff who needed threat assessment training were also trained.
DEI year three progress
The district’s DEI focus this year in on low socioeconomic students, families and how LOCS can support them, according to Towlerton.
Administration meets with DEI leaders who take information to the building level, and share information in newsletters. DEI 5, a staff meeting coordinated by building leaders, will also be shared at monthly staff meetings.
Individualized instruction year three progress
Administration began the MICIP process with committee Nov. 19, and January 14. A BOY academic presentation was also given to the board on Oct. 23.
The LOHS student Superintendent Advisory has held three meetings this school year, and have another scheduled for Jan. 29.
Towlerton also met with a high school team to discuss MTSS progress in October, while the middle level attended the first in a series of MTSS workshops at Oakland Schools that same month.
Learning environment year-three progress
Early literacy make and takes were held at each LOCS elementary building and had a total of 40 participants.
Ten people participated in “Bullying Parent University” in October, and the Social Media and Cell Phone Awareness series at Parent University saw 36 participants on Dec. 9. Future dates for the series were set for Jan. 29, and Feb. 6.
Mental health year-three progress
A well-being fair was planned for May 22. The well-being committee surveyed all staff in the fall, and quarterly challenges and well-being opportunities will continue to be provided to staff.
Professional development year-three progress
Science of Reading/Michigan Essentials training happened in October for remaining certified elementary staff as part of the district’s 35j grant, ECC staff trained on Science of Reading on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which was also part of the 35j grant, and administration continued implementation of the district’s 2024/2025 plan.
5. Personnel and Leadership
Goal statement: Lake Orion Community Schools will attract, retain, and value exceptional staff.
Negotiations year-three progress
Negotiations are set to begin in the late winter, and ongoing labor management meetings with bargaining units are being held throughout the school year.
Leadership development year-three progress
The final LOCS administrator cohort meetings will be held on Feb. 6 and March 10, leadership and job shadowing opportunities continue to be prioritized and highlighted for staff, and 12 teachers attended an instructional coach workshop held on Nov. 18.
Recruitment year-three progress
A job fair was held at the beginning of August, staffing needs were identified for next school year, administration met with new Oakland University leaders for student teaching and field placements, and attended an OU student teaching seminar this winter.
Staff recognition year-three progress
A retirement banquet is planned for May 19, and LOCS will continue of the year celebrations and staff recognition.

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