Local wrestlers featured on ESPN,’Outside the Lines?

Goodrich High School Varsity Wrestlers Kristi Garr, sophomore, and C.C. Weber, junior, claimed their television fame last month when sports network ESPN chose to feature both girls on ‘Outside the Lines, an Emmy-winning series that examines sports issues off the playing field. The segment is scheduled to air March 9.
Ortonville resident Kent Bailo, founder and director of the United States? Girls Wrestling Association, said ESPN contacted him regarding girls wrestling and its growth in area schools throughout the United States.
‘I told producer Andy Lockett about Weber and Garr in Goodrich,? said Bailo, a former Brandon High School coach. ‘The ESPN crew came to my house here in Ortonville and completed the hour-long interview. The story is regarding girls wrestling on boys teams.?
The national exposure on the popular sports network didn’t seem to phase Garr or Weber.
‘Normally, there are a lot of distractions when you’re wrestling,? said Garr. ‘ESPN filming me was just another distraction. Once you get your head into the game you don’t even notice what’s going on around you.?
Garr has a record of 22-18 this season and starts at 113 pounds. She has been wrestling with her team since the fifth grade and became interested in wrestling while watching her brothers compete at tournaments.
‘I would beg my parents to let me wrestle when I was younger,? said Garr. ‘Because C.C. was on the team and a girl, I knew I could do it.?
Starting at 103 pounds, Weber holds a 51-13 record, which is the most single-season wins in the area by a girl. Weber became interested in wrestling also by watching her older brothers wrestle at tournaments.
Weber, the first area girl to qualify for the individual state tournament twice, said it’s no big deal to just get there.
‘I don’t view it like that. I haven’t accomplished anything until I take a place at states.?
‘People need to get over the fact that I am a girl. If they did, it wouldn’t be such a big deal that I made it to states.?

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