By Georgia Thelen
Review Writer
The Lake Orion Lions Club and Lake Orion Sunrise Rotary Club will be holding their third annual Winterfest on Feb. 4.
The Lions Club will host their Outhouse Races from 2-4 p.m. and are currently taking registrants.
The Outhouse Races consist of partner races that involve toilet paper exchanges, basketballs and plungers-all while racing in an outhouse.
“Turner Sanitation was so nice to let us have some outhouses. We put castors on the bottom of them, pipes on the back and one person rides on the inside,” said Bob Erickson of the Lions Club.
The races start at the corner of Broadway and Shadbolt streets and run into downtown Lake Orion.
For the top three teams there are gold, silver and bronze toilet seat awards.
Last year’s event brought 12 teams out for the races, and the Lions Club is looking to meet or exceed that number this year.
“It’s just a lot of fun,” said Erickson. “This started three years ago, the Lions Club and Rotary Club got together and wanted to start a whole Winterfest for the community.”
Since 2014, the event has transformed to much more than hot cocoa and a community get-together.
All proceeds go toward those in need in the community and help fund the Lions Club Christmas Basket Program.
Teams that would like to register prior to the event may sign up at
The Sunrise Rotary Club will also be holding their annual Ice Cup Golf Challenge on Lake Orion during this year’s Winterfest.
With temperatures getting colder, Lake Orion is getting primed and prepped for this year’s creative course, set up by the Rotary Club. This year’s event will be a 9-hole team scramble on the lake.
After the scramble, there will be an Afterglow Party with beer, wine and live music at Lockhart’s BBQ.
Proceeds from this event benefit community outreach programs such as Beds for Kids and the Orion/Oxford FISH Pantry as well as global initiatives including International Water Projects and Polio Eradication.
Participation in this year’s Ice Cup Golf Challenge is $80 per person or $300 per team of four.
Interested parties may contact Steve Auger at to secure their spots.

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