Letters to the Editor

Too many apartment developments slated for Orion
Dear Editor,
Per the March 5 edition of The Lake Orion Review, on the front page we learn that the Orion Township Board of Trustees unanimously voted to approve yet another apartment development (“Orion Twp. board accepts settlement in Villages of Lake Orion development”).
In the last few years alone village leadership has approved literally hundreds of new apartments in the teeny Village of Lake Orion.
• The West Construction development at the old Orion High School location.
• Apartments on Elizabeth near M-24.
• The substantial and sprawling Moceri apartment developments.
• And now even more apartments north of Saint Joseph Catholic Church are approved by the township.
Do the people of Lake Orion and Orion Township really believe it makes sense to overburden our already extremely stressed, failing and underfunded infrastructure with hundreds of new renter neighbors vying for parking spaces and access to and from Lake Orion?
What is driving this sudden manic enthusiasm for commercial development and 1,000-plus new renter neighbors in Lake Orion? Or, why is Lake Orion trying to transform itself into Royal Oak?
Kevin Breslin
Lake Orion

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