Letter to the Editorr

At the end of the recent letter in The Review about the botched bomb threat at the high school, you put — ‘According to LOHS school administration, at no time was any school personnel forced to participate in the search. Everyone who searched was a volunteer and everything that was done was by OCSD guidelines. All threats are taken seriously for the safety of students and staff.?
So everything that was done the day of the bomb threat was done by following Sheriff Bouchard’s office’s guidelines for bomb handling? Our elected sheriff feels my 50 year old neighbor, who answers the phone in the high school office, and frankly told us she doesn’t know a bomb from a coffee maker, should dig through nearly a 1,000 lockers searching for a ticking bomb?
This is the part of our sheriff’s guidelines for bomb handling in these times of international threats? Get the citizens to do it?
If this is true, he should be gone at the next election as well as the deputy who was at the high school and felt it was all right for our friends and family members to physically take apart the high school with him watching. This really happened?
Why weren’t OCSD bomb detection dogs used that were only minutes away and skilled deputies that actually know how to handle a bomb threat crisis?
That high school deputy should be removed and never be allowed near our kids again.
Clarence Strausser

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