Larger classes likely as $1.8 million cut

For Andrea Duhaime of Independence Township, school budget cuts are uncomfortably close to the classroom.
“We’re very happy with the schools, but increasing class sizes severely concerns us,? Duhaime said, addressing the board, April 13. ‘I’m a teacher myself, and I know managing 26 students can be very difficult ? I’m wondering, have you exhausted all avenues??
Duhaime suggested a teacher buyout, but Clarkston already did that a few years ago, said Trustee Barry Bomier.
‘We have a young teacher base in Clarkston,? Bomier said.
“We want to see class sizes as small as possible, but we’re at the point where every cut we make is painful,” said board President Stephen Hyer. ‘We’ve trimmed everything that can be trimmed. We’re down to the core, bare bones.?
The district still employs classroom aides in large classes, said Superintendent Dr. Al Roberts.
‘Despite the tough economic times and teh need to reduce expenditures, we will thrive,? Roberts said. ‘Our district has a history of doing more with less.?
Larger class sizes, which may result from a budget-saving measure of filling classes to contractual levels, is one of eight measures designed to save $1.8 million. Larger classes should save $200,000. Other measures are cutting Sashabaw Middle School’s Real Time program from its schedule, saving $70,000; outsourcing substitute-teaching management to the county, $40,000; eliminate noon bus runs because of the district’s switch to all-day kindergarten, $150,000; delay technological upgrades, $200,000; and delay textbook adoptions, $100,00;
The plan also calls for 30 additional students, bringing in $225,600 more in state funding, and $860,000 more in federal IDEA and Title I funding, from stimulus money.
The proposed 2010 budget of $82.9 million includes a $5 million dip into the district’s reserves of $11.4 million. The district has until the end of June to finalize its budget.
Roberts will present a list of staff layoffs at the board’s next meeting, April 27. By state law, all layoff notices must be issued by the end of April.

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