Lake Orion High School Student of the Week: Annalise Alexo

Parents: Joyce and Mike Alexo
GPA: 3.9
Favorite subject(s): Band
Extracurricular activities: Marching band
Hobbies/Interests: Crocheting and baking
Plans after graduation: Go to college for music education at Michigan State University.
Annalise is proudest of: Overcoming challenges that have come my way, and I continue to learn and grow with what life throws at me.
Annalise makes a contribution by: Brightening friends’ days as well as the people around me. I also believe that being a section leader has given me the opportunity to leave an impact on my section by encouraging and supporting them.
What Annalise envisions in 10 to 20 years: I see myself teaching and sharing my passion with students. I also hope to have my own house and family.
What concerns Annalise in the world: Climate change. As someone who has so much life ahead of me, I am concerned that I might not get to live my life to the fullest due to the lack of real changes regarding climate and pollution.
Favorite thing about Lake Orion High School: How many different opportunities there are. I have met so many wonderful people through the many programs I am a part of. I have learned so much and I am incredibly grateful.
Recommending staff: Michael Steele and Kaitlin Shanks

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