Two years ago, Lake Orion and Orion Twp. voters endorsed a sinking fund proposal designed to bring Lake Orion Community Schools’ facilities to functional standards.
Years of aging infrastructure required immediate work, handled throughout 2017. The 2 mill sinking fund will generate approximately $3.5 million annually for 10 years and enable a number of projects.
In the past year, nearly every building in the district has received critical maintenance, bringing it to adequate standards.
• Both Lake Orion High School and Orion Oaks Elementary received significant carpeting and flooring overhauls.
• Paint Creek Elementary’s gym floor received an essential replacement, while Stadium Drive Elementary, Carpenter Elementary and CERC received much-needed roof work.
• There was widespread concrete replacement: at the high school, Blanche Sims Elementary, Stadium Drive Elementary, Oakview Middle School and Orion Oaks.
• Replacement boilers installed at the high school, Scripps Middle School and Orion Oaks and replacement chillers are now at Carpenter and the high school.
• Due to the previously unsafe standards of the football field and track at Dragon Stadium, a replacement of those facilities is currently underway.
In just one year, the sinking fund dollars have allowed LOCS to bring nearly every building closer to a baseline modern functionality. The projects completed on time and on budget, in the manner presented to the community prior to the sinking fund election.
“All of the planned sinking fund projects to date are on time, under budget and completed, with another set ramping up for this summer,” said John Fitzgerald, LOCS Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance.
Project status and updates post at www.lakeorionschools.org/resources/sinking-fund-2017.
Submitted by Lake Orion Community Schools District Administration.
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