By Jim Newell
Review Editor
The Lake Orion Knights of Columbus held a special dinner last Tuesday, honoring local veterans and their families and giving the veterans a chance to share their stories.
This was the second annual Veterans Appreciation Dinner the Fr. Thomas R. Carey Knights of Columbus Council 4764 have hosted, inviting members of VFW Post 334 in Lake Orion.
“It was well attended and appreciated last year,” said Ken Simpson, a 35-year member of the Knights. “A lot of our members are veterans, too.”
For Doug Warren, a five-year Knight, the evening was especially personal: his father, John Warren, is an Army veteran, 1968-71. Doug invited his father and mother to the appreciation dinner.
“We wanted to find a way to show our appreciation to all the veterans for their service to our country, and for putting their lives on the line for us. What better way than to invite them out to our family night and show them our appreciation,” Doug Warren said.
“A lot of us didn’t get that appreciation when we came back, so it’s nice to see it now,” John Warren said.
The Knights of Columbus host a regular monthly dinner for members and family and special dinners throughout the year highlighting groups in the community.

The veterans and their spouses were treated to a homecooked meal, with members of the Knights preparing the special dinner.
“I like to cook. I love to cook for the veterans,” said Jeffrey Payne, a third-degree Knight, who, along with a handful of other volunteers, spent the day preparing the meal. “Everything has to be made from scratch. It’s just a nice service to our community. We do it for the veterans and for the members of our organization.”
Current Grand Knight Thomas Farrell was on board with the idea when the Knights began discussing it before last year’s inaugural appreciation dinner. Farrell’s father, William, was a WWII veteran who flew 25 missions as a B-17 top turret gunner in the 8th Airforce, and his grandfather served in WWI.
“The concept came about when I was talking to Lee Uhl (a fellow Knight and Lake Orion resident) about a way to honor our local veterans and give them a chance to speak (about their experiences),” Farrell said. “I was very touched because my dad was a veteran.”
Ron Hines, a current member and past Grand Knight, said there are 250 members in the Lake Orion Knights of Columbus.
The Knights have raised about $200,000 over the years, with a focus on the mentally disadvantaged in the area, Hines said. The money goes to such organizations as the Lake Orion Special Olympics, the Oakland County Special Olympics, NOVA (North Oakland Vocational Association) and SCAMP, a summer camp program for impaired children and young adults.
Last year alone the Knights raised $11,000 for special needs residents in Oakland County, said Grand Knight Thomas Farrell, adding that the Knights also donate to Blessings in a Backpack and St. Joseph and Christ the Redeemer parishes in Lake Orion.
For more on the Fr. Thomas R. Carey Knights of Columbus Council 4764, 1400 Orion Rd., call 248-693-9824. On the web: or
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