Jerry Narsh to step down from public service in November

Jerry Narsh to step down from public service in November

‘What an amazing journey this has been,’ Narsh says.

By Jim Newell
Managing Editor
LAKE ORION — For the first time in 42 years, Jerry Narsh will no longer be in a public service role to the Lake Orion community, a role he says “has been an honor and privilege.”

Narsh, who currently serves as Lake Orion Village Council president, has made the decision to step away from the council and turn the reins over to someone else in November.

“It is with mixed emotions that I announce I will not be running for Village Council in the November 2024 election. I will remain in service until my term ends in November,” Narsh said in an exit memo to The Lake Orion Review.

“It has been an honor and a privilege to have been in public service to this community for 42 years. From the start of my law enforcement career in 1982, I have been blessed with so many opportunities, eventually becoming police chief in 2001 until my retirement in 2019. The following Monday, I began serving as a member on the Lake Orion Village Council, then being voted as president by our fellow Council members,” Narsh said.

Narsh said he made the decision with his wife, Amanda, and needed to spend more time with his family.
“A few years ago, Amanda and I made a promise to care for my mom. We chose to move her into our home and provide everything she needs to remain healthy and happy. This was one of the best decisions of our lives, and it is this promise that now requires more of my time and attention,” Narsh said.

Narsh, who is currently police chief in Holly, joined the Lake Orion Police Department in 1982 as a reserve officer, working his way up to full time, to lieutenant in 1995 and then to chief of police, a role he held for 18 years. On Dec. 9, 2019, after his retirement from the police department, he was appointed to the village council to fill the seat after David Churchill resigned.

“I hope I have served each of you with dignity and respect, as a police officer, chief or council member. It has been my life mission to be honest with everyone and help our community in any way that I could. I also hope that I have helped to further the safety and prosperity of our Village,” Narsh said.

During his time with the police department, Narsh notably championed Lake Orion’s Shop with a Hero every Christmas for kids and families who needed assistance around the holidays, and the Kids and Kops programs, which sought to expose Lake Orion’s youth to police officers in a positive environment to build trust. One of the programs was a regular Friday night funhouse of games, pizza and pop with students at Blanche Sims Elementary.

Narsh also led Lake Orion’s parades in the police department’s 1941 vintage police cruiser; was an ambassador for the Real Men of Orion Real Men Wear Pink American Cancer Society team, famously wearing a pink police uniform for a month; and participated in a variety of community fundraisers, including dressing up in costume for the Holly Jolly Folly fundraiser each year to support the Lake Orion Lighted Christmas Parade.

Narsh said the decision is bittersweet, knowing that he is no longer in a public service role in Lake Orion. However, citizen Narsh plans to still be a part of the community.
“What an amazing journey this has been. Thank you, Lake Orion, for allowing me to be a part of your lives,” Narsh said.


Exit Memo to the Lake Orion Community:

It is with mixed emotions that I announce I will not be running for Village Council in the November 2024 election. I will remain in service until my term ends in November.

It has been an honor and a privilege to have been in public service to this community for 42 years. From the start of my law enforcement career in 1982, I have been blessed with so many opportunities, eventually become police chief in 2001 until my retirement in 2019. The following Monday, I began serving as a member on the Lake Orion Village Council, then being voted as president by our fellow Council members. Most importantly, Amanda and I have raised our children here in comfort and safety, and will continue to be members of the community.

I hope I have served each of you with dignity and respect, as a police officer, chief or council member. It has been my life mission to be honest with everyone and help our community in any way that I could. I also hope that I have helped to further the safety and prosperity of our Village. We have an amazing team of employees, volunteers, civic organizations, boards and commissions and a nationally recognized and awarded DDA. This amazing team uses their talents, time and energy to maintain our community as a destination to live, work and play.

A few years ago, Amanda and I made a promise to care for my mom. We chose to move her into our home and provide everything she needs to remain healthy and happy. This was one of the best decisions of our lives, and it is this promise that now requires more of my time and attention.

There is no way I can list the names of all who have helped and inspired our family over the years, and all those I have been blessed to work with at my beloved LOPD, there are so many…. Thank you. I am humbled by your kindness and love, and I thank you for your trust. You have become my friends and I will treasure my service to this great community and your friendship for the rest of my life, but it is time to let go, and let others serve to continue our positive trajectory. Please continue to LOve and care for each other and be kind.

What an amazing journey this has been.

Thank you, Lake Orion, for allowing me to be a part of your lives!



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