Into uncharted waters?

Staying cool in the Clarkston area is easier than ever thanks to two new pools at Deer Lake Athletic Club.
‘I wanted to make it a country club atmosphere. (The new pools) were very expensive to (build), but it was money well spent,? said Forest Milzow, owner of the Deer Lake Athletic Club.
On the south side of the club, overlooking Deer Lake, the two pools add a distinctive flourish to the club’s classic design.
Inside a glass greenhouse-like structure, sits the Olympic-sized pool. The housing of the large pool features retractable panels which automatically close if rain is detected by roof top sensors.
The larger pool’s 2400-square-foot brother lies hidden from traffic on White Lake Road and features a walk-in wading area, a splash fountain and a water slide churning out 600 gallons of water per second.
‘Summertime used to be the slow part of the year for us,? said Milzow. ‘This has been a terrific addition.?
Milzow feels the hot summer is helping drive people off the beaches and into Deer Lake Athletic Club’s new facilities.
The outdoor pool is open anytime the temperature is above 72 degrees. The indoor pool is heated to a pleasant 82 degrees at all times and will be open all year.
From start to finish the installation of the new pools took about one and a half years.

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