Interim supervisor sought

Those interested in serving as interim Springfield Township supervisor have until July 1 to apply.
In a special meeting, June 16, Township Board accepted the resignation of Supervisor Mike Trout, and set up a process to find his replacement.
“While the resignation was unexpected, I understand Mike’s decision to pursue this opportunity,” said Trustee Denny Vallad. “I wish him all the best.”
The township has 45 days to appoint an interim supervisor or the issue goes to voters in a special election.
“We as a Township Board would prefer to fill the vacancy to avoid setting a special election,” said Trustee Dave Hopper.
A special election could cost the township more than $10,000, Hopper said.
“At this time the board is looking ahead and I have every confidence that we’ll work together to appoint a replacement prior to the Aug. 11 deadline,” said Clerk Laura Moreau.
“Holding a special election would delay filling the vacancy significantly and be costly to the residents,” Vallad said. “I am confident the board will complete the task at hand.”
The interim supervisor will serve out Trout’s term as supervisor, which expires Nov. 20, 2012. Primary election for supervisor, as well as the rest of the township board, is set for August 2012.
Trout said he accepted an offer to serve on the State of Michigan Department of Transportation’s Aeronautics office.
“Our biggest role is in administering the state block grant which is a federal grant given to the state for development projects at airports in the state,” Trout said. “We also inspect all the general aviation airports, licence pilots and aircraft and advocate for aviation issues statewide.”
The board will hold a special meeting on July 7 to review supervisor applicants, Moreau said.
“At that point we will begin a process to shorten the list and will at some point hold interviews to fill the position,” Hopper said.
Application deadline is 4 p.m., July 1.
Candidates must be a qualified and registered township voter, at least 18 years old, U.S. citizen, and have lived in the township at least 30 days prior to the appointment.
For job description, call the clerk’s office at 248-846-6510 or check

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