Independence Township Library goes wireless

As of July 5, users of the Independence Township Library can access the Internet through a new wireless network.
According to Don McGaw, head of circulation and IT manager, library employees were asked by numerous patrons whether or not the facility has wireless access.
‘The library staff was asked often enough that we decided to have a cost analysis done and then take the results to the Friends,? said McGaw. ‘We started this around April and May.?
The cost to install the system was $3,000; and The Friends of the Independence Township Library jumped at the chance to provide the new service.
‘There was no question about this. We said this was a good thing,? said Friends President Dan Greene.
‘I like that it serves the community. I’m not necessarily techno-savvy, but this helps us keep up with what is out there and what our patrons want and need.?
The Friends of the Library approved the purchase on May 23. Funding came from monies raised by the group’s yearly fund-raisers.
‘Our sole purpose is to make money for the library,? laughed Greene.
Work on the project began in early June. McGaw said the first step was to survey the building for access points ? six of which were installed. The next step was to install the background wiring and server necessary to ‘go wireless.?
‘About 256 individuals can access the network at once,? said McGaw. ‘They can expect to get the same (access speed) has high-speed dial-up; however, if all 256 are online, there will be a slow down.?
There is no access fee or charge for users. Anyone with a wireless capable device, such as a laptop with a LAN PC card or a PDA, can access the network. The only hardware requirement is a wireless 802.11 B or G compatible network adapter. If audio files will be used, library staff also asks patrons to bring headphones.
The network signal covers the entire public area of the library; however, strength will vary. In addition, the library’s printing system can not be accessed by personal computers.
A handout on the new wireless network recommends for patrons needing to print to either bring a diskette or e-mail the file to themselves and then utilize a library workstation.
‘This is a completely separate network from the library computers and database,? said McGaw. ‘So everyone’s personal information is protected.?
McGaw said the library is not requiring accounts and no filtering system is currently installed. Users are required to accept a personal use policy when accessing the system and parents are asked to provide supervision of their children.
‘At this point we are using personal restriction guidelines,? said McGaw.
Those looking forward to utilizing the system should also know sharing programs are not allowed and only web-based e-mail can be accessed. Both restrictions will aid in virus protection for all users and help the system run at the highest speeds possible.
For more information on the new system, please contact the Independence Township Library at 248-625-2212.

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