Independence students serve neighbors

Spelling the word ‘socks? may be a good way to begin learning Spanish, but at Independence Elementary, S.O.C.K.S. means Serving Our Community Kid Style.
The annual school-wide event provides students with an opportunity to serve people in the Clarkston area and all over the world.
‘It teaches children the value of giving back to the community,? said Kim Viazanko, a parent volunteer who organized the event.
Activities were set up for each grade. Kindergartners assembled and decorated toiletry bags for area shelters.
First-grade kids made dog and cat toys for Michigan Humane Society, bird feeders for the nature center and collected donations for Paws with a Cause.
Second-grade students wrote letters and assembled about 500 care packages for troops overseas.
Third-graders packed treats and cards for Meals on Wheels and organized a food drive for Grace Centers of Hope.
Fourth-graders made blankets for children in Beaumont’s pediatrics units.
Fifth-graders hosted breakfast for local seniors, interviewed them and sang a concert.
‘They did a beautiful job,? said Louis Vincent, fifth-graders? guest from American House in Pontiac.
‘They’re a credit to the community and the schools.?
Grade-level activities have remained the same since the start of the program four years ago, Viazanko said.
‘They look forward to what’s coming next year,? she said.
‘It’s important to teach kids at any age that they’re able to give back and make a difference.?
It will cost about $500 to ship the care packages. To donate and help defray the cost, call the school at 248-623-5500.

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