Independence Library hosts reading club

Summer is here and school is done for the season. With plenty of free time, kids can travel to the Independence Township Library’s Summer Reading Club.
The club ? ‘Dragon, Dreams & Daring Deeds?? is for children entering kindergarten through fifth grade. On June 16, Independence Library held the annual registration kick off, where attendees enjoyed an animated concert performed by Anne and Rob Burns, volunteers with the summer program.
The Summer Reading Club runs through July 28, and is held in the Independence Township Library conference room.
Children grades K?2 are in the Dragon Club, held on Tuesday’s from 10:30 a.m. ? noon. Reading and activities for the Dragon Club include:
? June 21: Dragon’s Breath
? June 28: Unicorn Day
? July 12: Knights, Knights, Knights
? July 19: Princess Tales
? July 26: Magical Mahem.
Children grades 3-5 will participate in the Castle Club, held on Thursday’s from 1:30 ? 3 p.m. Reading and activities:
? June 23: Tunics, Cloaks, and Hats
? June 30: Guild Signs
? July 7: Stained Glass
? July 14: Calligraphy & Illuminations
? July 21: Games.
The Summer Reading Club program also hosts Thursday evening family programs:
? June 30: Greg Lester’s Puppet Adventures presents ‘King Arthur ? A Sword in Stone.? Two shows, 5:30 p.m. or 7:30 p.m.
? July 7 & 21: Construct a Castle, 3:30 ? 5 p.m. or 6:30 ? 8 p.m.
? July 14: Baffling Bill and the Daring Deeds Magical Performance at 5: 30 p.m. or 7:30 p.m.
? July 28: Medieval Market Day from 6 ? 8 p.m.
For more information on the Summer Reading Club, contact the Independence Township Library at 248-625-2212.

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