Hunt is on for food donations

Teams of community activists will spend the last day of winter scouring the Clarkston area for food donations.
‘It’s a food scavenger hunt for Lighthouse,? said Pastor Amy Mayo-Moyle, Clarkston United Methodist Church. ‘We hope this becomes an intergenerational thing, to connect us together and help do some good.?
March Madness Scavenger Hunt, 3-6 p.m., Saturday, March 19, starts at the church, 6600 Waldon Road. The event is free and open to all.
Participants can sign up as individuals or teams of 8-10 members. Each team gets a neighborhood assignment in Clarkston or Independence Township, collecting canned and boxed food, toiletries, diapers, laundry and dish soap, and other items.
Residents can give donations to teams as they go door to door, leave them on their porches, or drop them off at the church.
The church hosts a post-scavenger hunt celebration, with refreshments and award ceremony.
‘We’ll have prizes for fastest, slowest, most ‘yes,? most ‘no,?? said Mayo-Moyle, who organized similar scavenger hunts with local Brownie troops and other youth groups. ‘It’ll be a time for celebration, food, prizes, and fun.?
The scavenger hunt is one of several community projects by the church.
Clarkston United Methodist’s youth club volunteers to help neighbors in need shovel snow off their driveways and sidewalks.
In summer, church groups volunteer at Grace Center of Hope in Pontiac. The church also offers transportation, food pantry, and other services.
‘We really believe in living out our faith,? Mayo-Moyle said. ‘It’s our mission to help everyone on a daily basis, to try to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world.?
Scavenger hunt registration starts March 6 at the church, continuing until the event. For more information, check or call 248-625-1611

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