Horse finishes 15th in the nation

After a long weekend of competing at the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) National Young Horse Dressage Championships in Lexington Kentucky, the horse ridden by Oxford teacher, Laurie Lavins, was ranked 15th in the nation for his age group.
Lavins said Maximilian of W’rttemberg, a 4-year-old black gelding she trains at the Diamond M Stables in Brandon Twp., ‘enjoyed all the attention that he received? the weekend from Sept. 14-16.
Max was judged on his trot, walk, canter, how submissive he is to Lavins and the judges general impression of him.
‘I could not have asked for better performances from Max,? Lavins said. ‘I can’t complain about having finished in this spot during his first year of competition.?
Max’s owner, Patsy Denton of Grosse Pointe Shores, Bob Marshall, the owner of Diamond M Stables, Lavins? son, Harrison and Max’s groomer, Oxford High School freshman Sarah Stroope, were all on hand to cheer the horse on.
‘Both Harrison and Sarah slept in the stall next to Max all week long,? Lavins said. ‘They were such great sports, as several of the nights were rather chilly.?
Lavins said she’s really excited and looking forward to next year’s competition.
‘I have no doubt that Max will be able to handle the challenge and continue to demonstrate his abilities and wonderful nature,? she said.

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