Hometown rapper hopes to inspire

Ryan Scott of Independence Township wants to make it as a rapper, but without the bling.
‘An ultimate goal for me would be for my music to make into as many ears as possible,? said Scott, 20. ‘I want people to listen to my tracks and be able to say that my music is different. The fame and riches of making it would be incredible, but honestly, just to be somebody, somewhere, is what keeps me going.?
His budding musical career is a family affair, with support from his parents, Dan and Mary Scott, and sister, Brooklynn Scott, working as his manager.
‘I believe in him. His music inspires me,? said Brooklynn, 22. ‘It’s optimistic. It gives you hope, and it’s something more people want to hear.?
The family moved to Independence Township from Grand Rapids about six months ago.
‘I’m so excited for him, so proud of him,? Mary said. ‘He’s very creative with a great mind and a gift for words. He puts his heart and experiences in his music.?
‘It’s been an interesting journey so far,? Dan said. ‘It’s exciting to think where this might lead. You never know.?
Ryan started writing poetry in grade school, and was always interested in hip-hop music.
‘I would write poems and try to figure out ways to mix them into a beat,? he said. ‘When I first started out I could decently put something together, but it wasn’t until my senior year of high school when a close friend of mine noticed my talent and bought me recording equipment, that I truly started to compose music.?
Growing up, his favorite rappers were Eminem and 50 Cent.
‘With the new generation of music making its way into the front, I’ve become a listener of new artists such as J Cole and Kid Cudi,? he said.
He writes about relationships, hard times, families, and other experiences from his life.
‘I love to rap about things that I have a deep passion for ? to be able to take a story from your life and put it into music is one of my favorite things to do as a musician,? he said.
‘I use many styles of rapping in my music, but I would have to say I tend to stick with a more easy flow, less words but more meaning.?
He wrote the song ‘Heaven? about a family friend who passed away, and ‘Changing,? about a trying time for him and his family. A junior at Western Michigan University, inspiration also comes from the college atmosphere.
‘Mainly, my favorite subject to rap about is something that can inspire someone else, something that can take them from a hopeless feeling and bring them to life, something that can change a day around from one listen,? he said.
His songs have been featured on the radio.
‘I contacted DJ Jay-D (104.5 WSNX in Grand Rapids) about a year ago and sent him my stuff,? Ryan said. ‘He told me what I could improve on, and played it on his morning show.?
He landed his first live performance, opening for CDVR, Dec. 19, at the Pike Room inside the Crofoot Ballroom in Pontiac.
He writes and composes his own music.
‘My inspiration comes from my fans,? he said. ‘To know your music can serve as an inspiration to someone else is what keeps me going.?
The key now is to be persistent, write new music, and marketing, he said.
‘My sister does a good job getting the word out,? he said.
‘He’s a very passionate and driven person whose music provides inspiration to others,? Brooklynn said. ‘With the way our world is now days, this is something worth promoting.?
He also enjoys sports, especially basketball. At Western Michigan, he’s majoring in sociology, with a minor in business.
For more information, check www.ryanscottmusic.com. To see Ryan perform his song ‘Postcards,? go to ClarkstonTV.com, where he is featured in the “Phil in the Blank” web show.

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