
Since he came to Clarkston Community Church as worship pastor three years ago, an associate has asked Michael Anderson several times to coordinate a production of Handel’s ‘Messiah.?
‘At the beginning of this year, I said, ‘I think I’m willing to tackle it,?? Anderson said.
The result is a choir of 55 voices representing eight Clarkston area churches, and a chamber orchestra consisting primarily of Clarkston High School instrumentalists, all working together toward a concert of the famous oratorio at 6 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 12.
In making the decision to organize the group, Anderson promised to work toward a quality presentation.
‘To be able to do this is a big thing, and if we’re going to do it, I want to do it well,? he said.
Using some of the same interchurch contacts from the community Thanksgiving and Good Friday services, he put out the invitation for vocalists, with formal auditions required only for soloists.
Since early November, the group has met each Sunday afternoon. In addition, Anderson reserved about half of his church choir’s weekly rehearsals each Wednesday for work on the Messiah.
‘It’s coming along pretty well,? he said. ‘It’s been a challenge and a learning experience for everybody.?
While the singers come from different church backgrounds and represent different tastes in music, the cooperative effort has been an encouragement. Anderson compared it to the cooperative Thanksgiving service, in which various liturgical styles are included.
‘It’s been well-received,? he said. ‘It’s a good thing to have that spirit together.?
Anderson is grateful for the support from Clarkston High School in recruiting about 15 string players. The church may hire one or two professional musicians for principal roles, but the rest will be volunteers.
Anderson understands that this is not the first time the Messiah has been produced locally, but he’s not sure whether it will become an ongoing tradition. He’s not likely to push for an annual presentation.
‘Maybe at the earliest the year after next,? he said, but admitted he will not make a firm decision until after the first concert.
‘We’ll see how it comes out. Based on the experience I’ve had, I’m not afraid to tackle it again.?
Clarkston Community Church meets at 6300 Clarkston Road. For more info, call (248) 625-1323.

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