Grzanka wins geography bee

Congratulations to Rachel Grzanka, a fifth-grader at Leonard Elementary, for winning the school’s Geography Bee on Jan. 9.
Students were required to answer geography questions relating to places, names, locations of cultures, physical features, landforms, climate and bodies of water.
Grzanka’s winning question was which continent the country Liberia was located, which of course is Africa.
The student will go on to the state level of the bee, which requires a written, multiple-choice qualifying test. The first place winner from each state will go on to compete at the national level.
Conner Cruden finished the competition as the runner-up. Kayce Calcaterra, Cara Commons, Melissa Gierak, Logan Hicks, Courtney Kessler, Sydney Liverance, Hunter Modders, Miranda Prevost-Strong, Max Rieker and Diamond Zeiger also competed in the final round

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