Goodrich spikers

The Goodrich varsity volleyball team played at districts Nov. 3. The girls took on Capac High School in the semi-final match, winning the match 3-0. The girls went into the final match and played Lutheran North, losing 3-1. Stephanie Coates was 31-for-31 serving, had 13 kills, and nine digs while Rachel Giza was 23-for-23 serving and had 26 digs. Lauren Warner was 26-for-26 serving, had 15 kills, and also had 16 digs. Sara Eisinger had 25-for-25 serving, 54 assists, and 7 digs.
‘The girls appeared ready to play volleyball, as they came out and played very well against Capac,? says Robyn Batterbee, Goodrich varsity volleyball coach.
‘We handled ourselves quite well on the court, were able to mix our offense up a bit, and worked hard at covering the court on defense. At this point in the season, it is a must to minimize errors and work hard at forcing errors on the opponent. Unfortunately, this is what hurt us on Saturday, our errors.? Their league record is now 9-3, overall 27-31-7.

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