Girls varsity soccer ends league season 4th in FML

At their game against Brandon, the Oxford varsity girls soccer team was hoping to follow up with another win against the Blackhawks Monday night.
Sure enough, the Wildcats pounced the Blackhawks 4-1, securing a fourth place finish overall.
Oxford had an early goal from senior captain Sam Bono on a pass from sophomore Brianna Pastewski, to which Brandon answered back quickly with a goal of their own.
Senior captain Kelly Henry made some key saves inside the net during the first half of the game.
Junior Alex Johnson had two goals for the night and assisted in feeding Bono her 16th goal of the season.
The girl’s final league standing is 4-2-2. Their overall record is 6-4-2. They take on Avondale at home tonight at 4:30.

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