Girl bowlers notch first win of season

The Oxford Varsity girls bowling team notched their first win of the season last Saturday against Lake Orion 19-11.
Sophomore Sarah Decker and junior Ashlee High both went 4 for 4 in the baker games, and junior Liz Laframboise was 3 for 4. The Ladycats won 176 to 160 and 171 to 124.
High’s 144 and 182 game, as well as Deckers? 147 and 189 game each score two points in head-up play. Sophomore Kelly Cartner’s 185 game also grabbed another point.
The boys varsity team bowled well in head-up play, but lost both baker games to Walled Lake Western, for a final score of 12-18.
Bowling well in matches were junior Steven Lafnear with games of 218 and 220, senior Trent Heichel with 196 and 183. Chipping in a point each was sophomore Mike Magyar and senior Tyler Heichel.
The teams travel to Airway Lanes in Waterford on Sunday for a 1 p.m. match.

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