15 Years Ago – 1991
‘Parents win – school bond election set for April 13? Responding to requests from parents, the Clarkston School Board set an elementary-school bond issue vote for the April ballot. Parents were concerned about overcrowding at the elementary schools.
‘Board, developer fight over land? Independence Township officials and developers had ‘numerous verbal confrontations? during the Nov. 14 regular board meeting. At issue was propery zoning of the southeastern part of the township. The council voted to upgrade zoning of the land in the master plan. The new zoning would limit residential development to one lot per acre, while current zoning allowed three.
‘Andryco dances away with Junior Miss Title? Jennifer Andryco won the title of Clarkston Junior Miss – Young Woman of the Year at the ‘Yankee Doodle Girls? gala at Clarkston High School. She won $1,600 in scholarships.
25 Years Ago – 1981
‘Independence blasts Burrough’s mining quest? The township board tabled a request by the Salemn Gravel Pit on Oakhill Road for five more years to operate the mine. At the meeting, board members criticized the company for failing to comply with a restoration plan set by a judge in 1978.
‘Village adopts stronger arcade law? Clarkston Village Council strengthened the arcade ordinance. New rules tighten license requirements, prohibit operations at night or during school, and ban arcades within 500 feet of bars.
‘Residents in dumps over new ditch? Residents along Sashabaw Road presented a petition to the Oakland County Road Commission asking for repairs to ditches dug by the county. The county said they would discuss the issue on Nov. 23.
50 Years Ago – 1956
‘D.A.R. Honors Blanch Avery? The local Daughters of the American Revolution honored Avery for 40 years of work as a high-school teacher.
‘Met Star To Be Presented? Blanche Thebom, mezzo-sopprano star of the Metropolitan Opera, was set to sing at Isaac Crary Junior High School.
‘Fund Leaders Ask Support? After three weeks., the Independence Township United Fund had only collected two-thirds of its quota of $4,585. Campaign officials called for more involvement by residents and businesses.
‘Opinion Poll? Responses by Clarkston High School students to a question about the election included ‘I liked it because I like Ike,? and ‘I’m happy that Ike won, but I’m not so sure about Congress getting Democratic votes.?