Framer helps student art shine

Artwork created by Oxford and Lake Orion high school students will be exhibited at the Orion Art Center between Jan. 16 and February 16
Art lovers will be able to enjoy the unique self-portraits, charcoal drawings, even 3-Dimensional work created by students of all ages and expressed through various mediums.
Helping make the student artwork stand out is Oxford resident Diana Ostrand, owner of Accent on Art in downtown Lake Orion.
Ostrand has owned Accent on Art for 17 years and has generously matted and shrink-wrapped all of the pieces for the display at no charge since the student art exhibit program began.
‘I’m part of the community,? she said. ‘I should be doing this. I should be helping.?
She said she and other employees at her store love looking at the unique student artwork that comes in for the exhibit and she’s glad kids still have a passion for art.
‘We have to have art in our lives.? she said.
Ostrand and her husband, D.J., have been named honorary chairs for this year’s Snowflake Ball because of her dedication to the OAC and the community.
‘I feel humble that I can do this,? she said. ‘I’m very fortunate.?
The OAC will have special hours of the student exhibit ? Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Wednesdays 10 a.m.-8 p.m., and Saturdays 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
This is the Fifth Annual Student Exhibit, which was started to complement the auction pieces at the Snowflake Ball.
Several pieces from the OAC exhibit are chosen to be on display at the 18th Annual Snowflake Ball on Feb. 10 at Indianwood Country Club in Lake Orion.
The art center is located at 115 S. Anderson Street in downtown Lake Orion. For more information on the student exhibit or the Snowflake Ball, visit or call (248) 693-4986.

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