Foundation’s set for new year

As Greg Bunting begins his term as president of the Clarkston Foundation, his goal is to increase community support.
“I want to take it to the next level, get more parents involved and look for additional funding,” said Bunting, who has been a member since 2007. “Carl (Matisse, outgoing president) brought me in. It’s a great way to give back to the community.”
He’s looking to increase the non-profit group’s presence on social networks, Twitter, Facebook, and their website.
Matisse achieved his goal of increasing administration and teacher support.
“My goal was to make participation by the schools and faculty stronger, and continue to grow,” he said.
The foundation presents the Teacher of the Year award every spring, which includes a year-long lease of a car of their choice. They rotate grade levels for the award, this year honoring elementary-school teachers.
Mike Page, vice president who heads the teacher of the year program, is looking for more community members to make nominations.
“A lot of teachers, students, administrators nominate,” Page said. “It would be nice if the community makes nominations, too.”
Nomination forms are available on their website, Deadline is March 18. Finalists are narrowed down through interviews and classroom visits, and the award will be presented on May 25, 4:30-6 p.m., in the’Board Conference Room ??
The group also provides student recognition in math and science, performing arts, and visual arts, classroom grants in fall and spring, and summer camp scholarships for local students.
The Foundation helps students and teachers do more than they could with state funding, Bunting said.
“We support teachers and students in the community. We support things taxes can’t pay for,” he said. “There’s never enough money for kids to get the extra things they need.”
The Student Recognition Breakfast in the Clarkston Community Schools Board Room will be on March 24, 7:30 a.m., for? math and science; and April 15, 7:30’a.m., for the arts.
The Clarkston Foundation Golf Outing, their main source of funding, will be on Aug. 1 at Oakhurst Country club, with 9 a.m.’arrival and?10 a.m.’tee off.
Sponsoring the Clarkston High School Performing Arts Center is another big way the community can get involved in Clarkston Foundation, Matisse said.
Check for more information.

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