Former library director sues twp.

Independence Township officials will give depositions this April in a new court case ? this past January, former township library director Molly Lynch filed a civil suit for wrongful discharge or firing.
According to Lynch, she is seeking damages for lost wages and benefits due to her dismissal.
Although Lynch was unable to speak in depth concerning her case, she stated the civil suit is based upon a contract she had with the township which stated she could not be fired without just cause.
‘Being fired came as a surprise to me,? said Lynch. ‘I don’t think they had any reason to fire me. I was there for 14? years. I did a lot for this township.?
Township Supervisor Dave Wagner confirmed the township was served with papers on the lawsuit this past January. He also stated attorneys on the case will take depositions from township employees next month.
‘I’m not positive on all the details at this time,? said Wagner. ‘I’ve handed the case over to our insurance company who is providing the attorneys for the matter. Other than that, there’s not much information I can release.?
Lynch confirmed no court date is set. ‘At this point, I’m just waiting and everything is up in the air.?
Lynch’s employment with the township was terminated on Sept. 19, 2004. At that time, Wagner stated the decision was ‘coming for years.?
Lynch was replaced by Acting Library Director Patience Beer in Oct. 2004. Beer, who was set to retire when asked to remain temporarily as acting director, was replaced this past Monday by new Library Director Julie Meredith.

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