FOIA submitted for superintendent evaluation info

With a delay in renewing Clarkston Superintendent Dr. Rod Rock’s contract last February and months of debate over when to schedule the 2014 superintendent evaluation, teachers and parents have been confused all year about where the school chief stands.
To help avoid that in 2015, The Clarkston News submitted a Freedom of Information Act request for results of the latest evaluation, and last year’s, too.
Clarkston Board of Education met in closed session with the superintendent for the 2014 evaluation on Dec. 8. The FOIA was submitted on Dec. 10. On Dec. 16, the school district requested a 10-day extension.
“This extension is requested, in compliance with the law, so that legal counsel may be consulted regarding the requested information,” said Heidi McClain, district FOIA coordinator, in an email. “The FOIA request will be granted on or before Jan. 8, 2015.”
The superintendent’s 2013 evaluation was in December of that year. The board discussed having the 2014 evaluation in June, but concerns about reevaluating so soon pushed the date back.
The board also discussed having the next evaluation in June 2015 to place it between school years instead of in the middle. According to school attorney George Butler, state law requires evaluation of the superintendent at least once a year, but does not specify when.

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