Flying discs of glory for Clarkston pair

Dolly Ross does not know how good her stock in life is. She has a loving family, has personal freedom, and has found success in a career she loves. As an individual Dolly is easy to please, enjoys the company of loved ones, dislikes being alone and loves getting treats for catching a frisbee in her mouth.
Dolly, a lovably rambunctious two-tone border collie and her doting owner Claire Ross of Clarkston, burst onto the dog disc catching scene this summer, winning two junior handler titles.
‘I was excited to see how well (Dolly) did. Ever since she was young we have played (frisbee) together,? said Ross.
For Dolly, playing with frisbees was a backyard pursuit until a disc catching event caught Ross? eye at this year’s Festival of Fun in Clarkston on July 4.
‘We saw the competition on the schedule and went back home for Dolly,? said Ross.
Dolly’s backyard frisbee pursuits easily converted into competitive success as Claire was named the top junior handler at the Festival of Fun.
Having enjoyed success locally, Claire and Dolly sought out a larger stage at the Michigan Disc Dog Club’s State Championships on Aug. 21 in Howell. At the end of the day, the Clarkston tandem were at the top of the junior handler class again, this time out-pointing around fifty other participants.
Dolly was unfazed by the crowds while competing, but there was a small adjustment period for Claire.
‘Usually I’m nervous in the first round but after that, in the second round, I realize it’s just for fun,? said Claire Ross.
Ever since they brought Dolly home the Ross family has enjoyed the dog’s playful nature, but Claire seems to be a kindred spirit with her disc partner.
‘Before any of us get up in the morning it’s not unusual for (Claire) to be outside with Dolly at 6:30 or 7 in the morning,? said Carmen Ross, Claire’s mother.
From the start, Dolly has been Claire’s dog. She is responsible for walking and feeding, along with playing with her. In fact, Claire made the decision for the family to look into border collie in the first place.
‘I had to do research. I found a border collie would be best for our family because we have a lot of land,? said Claire.
Dolly’s natural sheep herding instincts are what makes her such a good disc catching dog, but they have got her in trouble too. At siblings? softball games Claire now has to restrain Dolly so she does not try to fetch a ball in play.
‘It killed her that she couldn’t fetch the softball,? said Claire.
With the winter months on the horizon, Claire has no immediate competition agenda, but she will look to take part in more contests next spring and summer.
Claire lives with Dolly and her mother, father Mike and siblings: Thomas, Maria, Julia and Paul.

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